Wednesday, March 5, 2025

IWSG: Maych 2025


Time again for the first of the month blog hop with Insecure Writer's Support Group. Thank you to our founder, Alex J. Cavanaugh, and all the IWSG admins. Time to share our insecurities and support each other in this difficult business of being a writer.

Firstly, I hope you'll stop in and comment on my guest post on the IWSG blog page titled:

Planning a Conference: A Big Job and an Adventure

This month's optional question:

If for one day you could be anyone or *thing* in the world, what would it be? Describe, tell why, and any themes, goals, or values they/it inspire in you.

Well, I would absolutely be Superman. If I could be Superman, there would be world peace and a lot of bad things would stop happening. Now, if the answer has to be someone or something that really exists, I think I would like to be the smartest, best hacker in the world. I would go after all those scammers stealing from regular folks. But since I can't be either of those things, I would just like to be the best person I can. I would like to be have more patience, be kinder, and a better person overall. I'm trying.

I'm so busy getting ready for that Pennwriters Annual Conference. We have so many awesome writers ready to share their expertise. It is a great weekend.

I'm also working on setting up some book signing events for the coming year. So far, I only have two on the schedule, but I'm hoping for more.

Please, please warm up soon. I have no tolerance for even chilly days and I want to walk outside.

I'm excited to see Daredevil coming back to Disney. Hope they did a good job. I watched Night Agent and didn't like it as well as the first season. The end of the first season seemed to end with the good guys on top. This season didn't feel that way even though they stopped the attack.

Would you like to be Superman? It would be a lot of responsibility. Are you attending or running any book events in the coming months? Are the days getting warmer in your neck of the woods?