Sunday, August 17, 2008

Summer Ending

Can't believe the summer is winding down. My children started the fall sports seasons last week and they have their first scrimmages later this week. I love many things about the fall but I miss those hot days of summer. I always make big plans in the spring for some painting that needs done, some landscaping that needs revitalizing and even plan to increase my exercise programs. Well, summer almost done and the painting isn't. The weeds have taken over large parts of my flower beds. I won't even confess how much I didn't exercise.
I did finish writing the first book in new series. I did edit a book for Samhain. I did have a book signing. I did rearrange my office and shampoo that carpet. Does that count as writing work? I did update my website a few times. I did start this new blog(at the last minute before the leaves turn).
So with fall I must set some new personal and professional goals. I'll be back teaching again in a few days so I'll be visiting my favorite blogs less and having fewer hours to write. But sometimes being really busy keeps me more focused during the times I have to write. So tomorrow I'm starting the next round of edits on that book for Samhain. I'm giving myself four weeks and three gallons of coffee to get it done.
And I'm going to remove the wallpaper in my bedroom during that time too. That might take a gallon of wine.

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