Friday, January 23, 2009

The Kids

I love them. I really do. All four of them were planned, three years apart and born in the spring. They're the source of my best memories, most wonderful moments and eternal pride. But, I need a few hours alone. I grew up in a large family and always wanted one of my own. My children are hard workers, intelligent, respectful, well-adjusted teenagers and young adults, but I need some MOM time. That stands for Me Only Me time. To write, to read, to watch a TV show I want to watch all by myself without their young, arrogant male POV about the story, the characters and the feasibility of the action.
This past week I've been so busy promoting, updating my website and my blog as well as working on the WIP because the characters won't be quiet in my head and I have to get it down before they stop talking to me.
And they've been invading my work space. Each one has a tale to tell, even while I'm writing this. My daughter wants me to listen to some really cool, Celtic music she found online. It's really nice. My son that is a teacher in the same high school where I teach had a tale of one of his students that made us both laugh. My twenty year old son came in to tell me about the youth basketball team he coaches and how badly they were beaten today. My son that is at Penn State for a big indoor track meet text messaged me to let me know they're safe in their hotel room and playing monopoly. Gosh, I love them.
Each child that passed through my office took a sip of my ice coffee. That's too much for any mother to take. When they were little they went to bed early and the majority of my writing took place while they slept. Now I'm waiting up all hours for them to get home from dates, typing on my alpha smart in gymnasiums and on sidelines of baseball and field hockey games. If your children are small now, don't think they're going to need you less as they get older. Even if your just the sounding board, they need their dear old moms.
Oh well, things seem a little quieter now. It took almost an hour to type this amid all the interruptions. I'm going to get back to that WIP just as soon as I order some new shin guards for my daughter. I think in about ten more years, I'll have some MOM time.


  1. Boy, Sue, do I feel your pain! Mine are 19, 17, 12, and 9. The house is in a state of constant chaos and hilarity. I love them so much. They're fantastic - smart, caring, and way too funny. They definitely need me more the older they get. The older two need me as much as the younger two do, only in different ways. It's pretty cool that they want me involved in their lives and ask my opinion on things.
    And I desperately need some MOM time.
    Hey. You should think about coming to the retreat! 3 1/2 days totally devoted to you and your writing. No cooking, cleaning, carpool duties - nothing you don't want to do. Only writing, napping, writing, eating, writing, lauging and talking with your writer friends. It's beautiful. I'm already looking forward to it. Totally worth it, even if you can't come until Friday night! It's been my sanity saver.
    V. :)

  2. I got you on my Google reader!

    And yes, it's so true. The older they get, the MORE they need, attention wise, because when they talk to you, they expect you to pay attention!!!

    I echo what Smith said. Come to the retreat.
