Sunday, March 8, 2009

What I Will and Won't Do This Week

I have so much stuff piled up on my desk there's barely room for my coffee. I keep writing reminders, lists, and stacking things into meaningly piles. I need to catch up, but I also need to finish up some other things. So I writing a public list reminder to myself of what I will accomplish this week and what things I will set aside until later.
#1. I will finish the edits on To Tame A Tiger for The Wild Rose Press.
#2. I won't waste any more energy or emotion complaining about my books being on all those pirate sites for free download.( But it makes me so mad).
#3. I will take the time and do the paperwork to join PAN.
#4. I will set up my squidoo page.
#5. I won't start reading the third book in Brent Weeks' shadow series because I can't seem to put his books down once I start.
#6. I will send all that paperwork off the TWRP and join their yahoo groups.
#7. I won't visit Facebook twenty times a night to see what interesting things my friends are up to.
#8. I will visit all my favorite blogs once a day and leave comments. They're so funny and informative.
#9. I will not under any circumstances visit Borders or any other bookstore this week including and not limited to online booksellers.
#10. I will get on the treadmill each day and run instead of walking no matter how many other things I can think of that I need to do.

I intend to stick to this list and complete all ten by this time next week. Wish me luck.


  1. That is a fabulous list! I hope you stick to it. That would be encouraging to those of us who don't stick to our list.

    I keep notepads that I add to-dos to. I already have a list for tomorrow. I get satisfaction when I cross something off.

  2. I have lots of little notepads too. Currently I have three with lists on scattered on my desk. I should have added that I'm going to combine all my lists of 'to do' into one long list.

  3. Good luck on your task completion, Sue.

    I need a task master to stay on track! I'm already not making my monthly cprw goal. I gotta get on the stick!!!

  4. Good post!!
    Good luck getting your list done!
    I keep a list, too. It's encouraging to cross stuff off!

  5. Me, too, re: lists. :) I need to put "reading great blog posts about getting work done" on the list so I can cross it off. LOL

    Good luck fulfilling yours!

  6. Dear Susan,
    I dropped by to leave a response to your post about vampires on Nathan Bransford's blog. I couldn't agree more! I have no interest in vampires at all, and as far as writing the next Lord of the Rings... I'm working on it. Well, not exactly. It's a romantic fantasy, and much shorter, but with a "Tolkein-like" feel. It's my first book so I'll just have to see how things go. But I *wish* I could write the next LOTR.
    Anyway, I just wanted to say "Amen!"

  7. I wish you luck, Christine. I'm trying to write the next LOTR too. LOL
    If only those agents who keep telling me there's no market for anything but urban fantasy would see the light.
