Monday, April 13, 2009

Are the Chores Done Yet?

I've been very busy trying to complete my chore list. How did I do? Well, let's see. I visited my mother, did my Easter shopping, watched my children at their athletic events, worked hard on edits, and even updated my website. I didn't do the outside work. My excuse. It's so darn cold and 'unspring-like here in PA. I did do some cleanup in the garage. Does that count? I didn't sleep in every day until eight but I made at least seven each day so I'm happy with that. As far as drinking coffee, I took some of the advice I received from friends on Twitter. I sent for some cold-brewed coffee concentrate and I'm going to try it. It's supposed to have 67% less acid than hot brewed coffee. If it works, I'm going to buy the system. So I met that goal though the final results aren't in until I actually drink it.
Listing my chores helped me stay focused on doing them. I tend to work on only one thing at a time instead of trying to juggle all the balls at the same time. I don't like to juggle, but this week I did it and am pleased with what I accomplished. On the other hand, if I had skipped juggling I might have those edits nearly completed.
So my chore list for this week is shorter.
I have an athletic event to attend each of the next six days starting later today.
#1 chore-go watch the children
#2 chore-visit blogs and comment every day
#3 chore-do some promotion on the multiple yahoo groups I belong to
#4 chore-keep working on those edits
#5 chore-stop worrying about all the yard work I'm not getting done
If you have a chance, check out my updated website. It makes me feel like something I did this week for my writing actually mattered if my hits go up. LOL


  1. I checked out your chore list so you would know someone is checking.

    At the top of your web page you used the word knews and I think you meant news.

  2. Thanks, Sally. No one pointed that mistake out to me before and I appreciate both that you told me and that you read it close enough to notice.

  3. Did you get my note on facebook? I was wondering what age group your books are for? My Grandson and I both enjoy reading these types of books but sometimes the ones he reads are a little young for me. He is 13. However, he read all the Harry Potter series as they were released. Also he likes series books. Can these be ordered online? Thanks. Sally

  4. Hi Susan. I like that you separated your two series by color.

    You got a ton done this past weekend. More than I did. I spent most of the weekend doing final edits on my manuscript that's due Wednesday. Good new is, I'm turning it in a day early. Woo-woo!

  5. Wow! I'm so impressed by your productivity! Especially in contrast to my unproductivity. My good excuse is that the kids and I are still sick. So I'll try and get more done when we're better (if that ever happens!!).
