Saturday, December 19, 2009

Book Event Snowed Under

I spent hours preparing promotional material but Mother Nature had other ideas. We're at about 10 inches of snow and it's still falling. I'm sure it will be lovely in the morning but I would have liked to see it arrive tomorrow night.
Catherine at The Midtown Scholar Bookstore made the wise decision to postpone the huge author event she had arranged for today. She's going to put it together again in the spring. I'll be reminding everyone then and depending upon the date, I'll have another new book to sell.
Everyone be safe and don't let those men shovel snow.


  1. That snow was incredible, huh? My little urchins were in heaven, but sorry it got your big event postponed.

  2. What a shame the weather affected your event.

    We have got away lightly in South Shropshire

    Wishing you and yours a very Happy Christmas and 2010

    warm wishes

  3. That was such a bummer, Sue! But now maybe I can attend when it's rescheduled! :)
