Monday, February 15, 2010

More Than Expected

As most of my loyal readers know, I had my first book signing for The Keepers of Sulbreth this past Saturday. I was extremely nervous and changed my outfit selection many times. When I arrived at the shopping center I couldn't find a parking spot. On any other day I would consider that bad luck. But on this day I wanted the huge crowd. Surely in a crowd of a couple of hundred shoppers passing in and out of the store a few might want to buy my book.

The welcoming and efficient staff of Barnes and Noble set a table up for me right inside the front door. They had a large poster in a stand beside my table and another smaller one in a plastic frame they set on the edge of my table. The manager even offered me coffee.

I had barely spread out my free book markers when a couple walked in the door and right up to my table. After reading the back cover blurb they bought one of my books. Then a number of my friends showed up, writers and none writers. Thank you my fellow romance writers from CPRW and my fellow bloggers from The Susquehanna Writers' Blog.

My two nieces drove nearly two hours to surprise me with their support. How great was that and so was the pizza we celebrated with afterwards.

After two full hours of smiling and selling, all but two of books stocked by the store had been sold. I signed the last ones for them and they were going to put them on the front counter with special stickers on as 'autographed copies.'

I didn't keep track but the store had told me they were going to order twenty books in addition to the ones they had already on the shelves. It was lovely and fun. Thanks to everyone who showed up and those who offered their best wishes.


  1. I'm so pleased everything went well for you.

  2. Thanks, Jarmara. I was so nervous but all my friends eased the way.

  3. Great, Sue! I'm sorry I didn't make it over there, but I'm glad everyone else did, and that you sold so many!

    You looked fabulous!

  4. Congratulations!! That's so exciting - you did really well :)

  5. What a wonderful event you had! Congratulations.

    Straight From Hel

  6. Natalie, I know you were there in spirit. It was such a hectic week with all the snow moving schedules around. Thanks, Jemi and Helen. It feels even better when shared with friends.

  7. That is just too cool! I envy you. Wish I could have been there. Let us know when you will be doing a signing in the L.A. area and I will be sure to be there (well you can dream and by gosh you just never know!).

  8. It was such a nice layout! I'm glad you had lots of people attend. I just wish I wore something a little nicer to the event! You looked fabulous, though. I'm so glad it went well for you!

  9. Ava, you looked wonderful to me. I can't tell you how much seeing friendly faces helped my nerves. Arlee, you just can't help yourself teasing me about sunny LA when we're buried under three feet of snow can you? LOL
