Sunday, January 2, 2011

Blog or Website

The lines have blurred between websites and blogs.  After much contemplation and seeking advice from friends and colleagues, today I did away with my website.   My blog will now serve the same purpose as my website but it will be more interactive and certainly updated more often.  I've already designed numerous pages offering all the information as my website did and I'll be adding more as I go.  I visited many blogs of authors who have already gone the blog only route.  Their success convinced me.
A big factor in my decision was the ease I find in updating my blog compared to my website.  The website updates always seemed like work.  Posting new articles and interviews on my blog is fun.  Meeting readers and authors through their visits to me and my stops at their blogs is great.  It's so easy to create links to other sites, to other pages in my blog, as well as inserting pictures and video.  So good bye website.
On a different note, today is the second day since Beyond the Gate was released in ebook.  My publisher put up a cool trailer at the top of their website for my book. 
How many of you keep both website and blogs?  How often do you update either of them?


  1. After visiting a number of author websites that hadn't been updated in a while -- some for many months -- I decided to just stick with the blog. I try to post six days a week and updates I do as I learn and want to try new things.

  2. I guess I have both a website and a blog. My blog, however, is doubled exposed. It's posted both on my website and here on my blogger page.

    I don't have to worry so much about updates as I don't often have things that need updating but the very second I do, I'll be ready.

  3. I always wondered how to deal with a website or blog or both. Since I have no published works I just stick with the blog, it gives me insane exposure so I figured it best to stick with it. I'll change my domain name when things change but I love the mixture of a blog/website combo.

    Excellent to keep in touch with all the fans of yours!

  4. I know what you mean, Mary. I was one of those guilty authors updating their sites so sporadically.
    It sounds like you're ready for whatever comes along, Haleine. I used to keep my website up to date more before I started blogging more often.

  5. I direct my domain name to my blog site, Jen, and hope that brings anyone searching for me to the right place.

  6. I've never had a website, just a blog. I'm happy with just the blog. Hard to interact on a website.

  7. So interesting! I just have my blog but have toyed with the idea of a website--good stuff to think about!

  8. Truthfully, Alex, your excellent blog is one of the things that helped convince me I didn't need a website.
    Christina, I started with a website first and then started a blog. I think if I had started blogging first I would never have built a website. Of course, if you listen to most editors or agents when you go to a conference they tell you to have both.

  9. I had a website for The Circle of Friends for six years. But with the series complete, I decided to move it to a blog instead but kept the domain name. (I was still getting a ton of traffic every week!) I'm really happy with it now - the blog looks even better than the website and I save $15 a month now!
