Friday, January 7, 2011

Drugged and Dragging

The heroes and heroines in my books are tough and brave.  It is fantasy after all.  Some of you know I had ankle surgery yesterday.  Today I'm dragging and still trying to shake off the anesthesia.  I don't do well with any kind of meds.  I'm actually taking only ibuprofen but not because I'm tough or brave or stupid about pain. I just get really sick taking any kind of narcotics.  I'd rather be in pain than sick in my stomach.
The good news is that without the mind-fogging narcotics, I'll hopefully be clear-headed enough to keep working on my WIP.  And I'll have a new perspective on my characters' physical discomforts.
For more on dealing pain to your characters please visit the group blog I share a few other members of Pennwriters.  The Susquehanna Writers can be found here.  I'd like to hear your opinions on how TV, Movies and Books handle pain and injury.


  1. Hope you're feeling better soon, Sue! Way to use this experience as a learning tool for your writing. I'm sure you'll be back on your feet in no time.

  2. You're messing with my head, Sue. I'm working my way through my Blogger Reading List, got to this one and thought, "Wait a minute. I've already commented on this." Took me a minute to realize that was on The Susquehanna Writers. We old folk are easily confused.

    Hope the ankle heals quickly.

  3. Just popped in to wish you well wishes and healing wishes. Rest up, Cookie. There's lots of writing to do.

  4. Sorry you're feeling fuzzy today. Hope you're good to go by Monday though!

  5. Thanks for all the well-wishes. I actually wrote this post during the night because I couldn't sleep. Fuzzy is mostly gone today and I even felt like eating something.
    I'll be ready on Monday, Alex.

  6. Hey! I can leave a comment today - the word verification is working now for me.

    While you're in pain seems a good time to pass it onto your characters. Or at least record how it feels so you can drag it back out later, at least it works well with me to do that with strong emotions that I either don't want to summon or can't on demand.

  7. I don't know why it was messed up yesterday, Madison, but I'm glad you can comment today.

  8. Speedy recovery, Susan! It's a good time to focus on your WIP. Hopefully it will take your mind off the pain!

  9. I'm trying, Cate. I have to sit in a recliner with my foot up. I prefer writing at my desk but this will make do for a few days.

  10. I love this post. Only a writer would be thankful for pain and sickness.

  11. LOL, I wouldn't say I'm enjoying it, Helen, I'm only using it.
