Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fantasy Names

Thank you for visiting me at The Susquehanna Writers blog where I wrote about creating compelling characters.  Today I have the privilege of appearing on Jon Sprunk's Fear of the Dark blog.  Jon is a successful fantasy author who I met through Pennwriters.  Later in 2011 he will have his second fantasy novel released and hopefully will guest here.
My fantasy series, The Futhark Chronicles, has a medieval setting so when I named my characters I tried for interesting names while keeping in mind popular contemporary names might seem out of place.  In the second book, Beyond the Gate, I believe the reader will see the connection between the names and the personalities of my characters.   I'll be interested to hear your thoughts on how I selected the names.  Please join me at Jon's place today.


  1. Post not up yet - will check back later!

  2. YYou're such an early riser, Alex. I'm not sure what time Jon put it up but it's all a go now.

  3. Thanks for following my blog. I loved your guest post over at Alex's about world building.

  4. Thanks, Anne. I had fun writing it. I'm teaching a class about it to a local writer's group.

  5. Okay ... am on my way over.
