Thursday, April 7, 2011

F: Fame and Fortune

Some days I wonder why I write.  I'm not getting rich.  Actually I'm very far from it and only my day job feeds the family.  I guess I don't write for fortune.

My family is proud of my success as a writer.  Many of my students are impressed by my 'other' job.  Writing something longer than a twelve page research paper astounds them.  I probably felt the same way at their age.  I've received some very kind remarks from readers by email and at book signings.  Fellow writers have offered encouraging and kind words about my books.  But I've yet to be stopped on the street because someone recognized me as an author.  My writing hasn't brought me fame.

At times I feel my writing career is moving forward at a snail's pace.  Yet it keeps me so busy I often put aside my other loves like reading, baking and lately hiking.  But I stay at it. Like so many authors I write because I can't imagine not doing it. It may never bring me fame or fortune, but I believe I will always do it

Do you expect your writing to bring you fame and fortune?  Have you had a pleasant experience when fame touched you even for a brief moment? What keeps you writing?


  1. Ha! You can say that again. I'm certainly not writing for the money either. LOL
    But there is the hope for at least a decent career. No fame or fortune needed. :-)

  2. I like that more and more of my friends tell me they read my blog and are interested in my writing.

    Alex from Breakfast Every Hour was here.

  3. I had to get up once in front of about three hundred people to accept an award for a writing contest. That was about all the fame I could handle. I was very happy to get back to my seat and have everyone look the other way again. :)

  4. No fame or fortune yet, but I am experiencing satisfaction with my writing, and getting to know a group of online writers that are fun to know.

  5. I haven't found fame and fortune yet either - but there is a priceless satisfaction in knowing that you birthed a new story into the world. :)

  6. Haven't been hiking in so long. What do you like to bake?

  7. I'm not a writer. I'm a writer groupie. I just hang out with them. I did want to be a writer at one time when I was younger but I also had other interests and passions... I know I don't have any writing skills, yet I like to blog and write for a hobby.
    Love and peace

  8. I would love to make money at my writing, but if I don't, that's okay. It's a journey.

  9. I keep writing because even when it's hard it's fun.
    You can't beat a career choice like that. ;0)


  10. At my age, my writing probably won't be discovered until it's too late! The worst day of writing is better than the best day in the office.

  11. I write because I can't imagine not doing it too. There have been times when I've gotten frustrated, but quitting just isn't an option.

    I had a reader send me a nice email once. That really touched me. That's about it for the "fame" part. lol

  12. I don't expect fame and fortune from my writing, although I day dream about the beautiful house I'll buy with all the money I rake in as a best selling author. Haha! My writing clears my mind and allows me to create worlds I wish I lived in. Good luck with the challenge!

  13. I'd hate to be famous, and have no illusions about my books ever earning me a fortune. I write simply because it's something I do (and have always done). I enjoy writing, and if other people enjoy my stories, that's enough for me.

  14. I'm enjoying your A-Z posts! I'm impressed that you write what is you. I'm still fumbling around trying to find my voice- or just getting up the courage to speak. :)

  15. Hope springs eternal Susan! I'm actually losing money, I think. :) But if I didn't write, my brain might implode so it's a necessity!
    Great job on your A-Z blogging!

  16. I am a beginning writer so I am definitely not making money. I don't really expect to make a fortune or become famous from my writing (although I wouldn't mind it). I just write because I like to. And although I write for myself first, I get a good feeling when someone reads my work and says "OMG. That is so true." and they go on to tell a similar experience. Or when they say it helped them in some way or just entertained them.
