Wednesday, April 13, 2011

K: Kelley and Other Pen Names

Pseudonyms and pen names are common in the field or writing.  I suppose there are many reasons to use one and I'll speak of only a few. 

An obvious reason not to use your real name would be another, perhaps more famous, author with the same name.  The name, Gourley, though well-known in my little corner of the universe, isn't a concern from me as a writer.  I warn any one with the same name not to write books under this famous moniker.  Just kidding.

Writers of erotic romance might use a name other than the one on their driver's license if their day job might frown upon their work. 

Some authors, like moi, write in more than one genre.  I use the pen name, Susan Kelley, for my romance novels and my real name, Susan Gourley, for my epic fantasy series.  I wouldn't want a writer to purchase one of my fantasy novels expecting a love story or even a 'happily ever after.' 

I won't tell how I decided on the pen name, Kelley, but there is a definite reason.  It's not my maiden name though I know authors who use their maiden name for their pseudonym.  Do you use a pen name?  Did you pick it for a certain reason?  What other issues might drive a writer to use a name other than their own?


  1. I've seen lots of other reasons. One person I know had a last name that is a common word, so even if they became famous their name would always be way down on the Google hits. Others simply hate their name. Some don't want readers to be able to tell whether they are a man or a woman.

  2. I have a pen name picked out in casse I ever have to use it. My grandmothers maiden name :)

  3. For my pen-name I chose a first name which is a more 'modern' version of my given name, and all my friends know why I chose the surname of Martin!

  4. Interesting! I like your reasoning behind using different names.

    I do not have a pen name, but I like to name my pens.

  5. I can see using it for different genres.

  6. As an unpub, this one is still a moot point for me but I'm considering using my maiden name. Seriously, how much word of mouth can I get with a name no one can spell or promounce?

  7. I'm an unpub too but I plan to use a pen name. I just like the way it sounds more than my own name.

  8. Good reasons. I don't have a pen name, but maybe one day I will.

  9. I'd always intended to use my initials and my last name to write under. Imagine my annoyance when someone gained fame under almost exactly the same name, only for her it was a pen name!

  10. I may have to end up using a pen name since my name is so common. Sigh

  11. Very interesting post. I enjoyed it and all the comments.

    Another reason some might use a pen name is to avoid their past (divorce or adoption).

  12. Very interesting AND mysterious! ;) I'm not in the predicament of making that kind of decision... my husband is in politics, and I may, if I write anything involving similar characters/ to my real life, change my name to protect myself...
