Sunday, June 12, 2011


Sorry I didn't visit many blogs this weekend, but yesterday, my husband and I celebrated our wedding aniversary.  Our children now that they are older have started a tradition of all day game day for our aniversary.  It's kind of like a family reunion with a ladder ball tournament, swimming, cards, basketball shooting contests, and lots of food.  It's exhausting and completely fun.  So that's where I've been.  I'll also be out of town later this week when my husband and I go away for two days alone.

Our aniversay was a distraction or an excuse for not writing or blogging, but it's very easy to get distracted by many other things especially when working on a computer.  Facebook, twitter even blog hopping can take up valuable and limited writing time.  All this reminds me a program you can download called SelfControl which can be set to shut down your email and social network for a chosen period of time.  Really?

I confess to procrastination.  I admit to visiting blogs when I should be working on that WIP.  And I do check out Facebook when I shouldn't.  But I can control it.  I don't need a special program to look over my shoulder and 'control' my activities.  Have you heard of this?  Would you use something like this? 


  1. People will do what they want to do regardless.
    Happy anniversary, Susan! That's a worthy distraction.

  2. I think I need it. If there's something shiny I have to look at it. I'm easily distracted. :)

  3. Happy anniversary! How many years does this make?

  4. Heh... if you find a Self Control program, let me know!

  5. Happy anniversary, Sue!! Enjoy your alone time away this week!

  6. I can totally relate to your final paragraph! Happy Anniversary!

  7. Happy Aniversary! Distractions are sometimes unavoidable. As long as we don't let them take over, they are okay.

  8. Thanks for all the well wishes. I'm not giving up the number of years. If I tell how many it is, you all will figure out I'm an old lady. LOL

  9. Happy Anniversary a little late! Love that tradition your kids have started.

    All things in moderation, you know. I think the main thing is just to do what you're comfortable with in the blogging world.

  10. No, I wouldn't use a program like that. I like to think I am grown up enough to know when to stop. Happy Anniversary! How long are you married? It's 42 years and counting for me.

  11. I haven't heard of that program and although I can be quite a terrible procrastinator (actually, I'm quite good at it), I don't think I would ever make use of such a program.

    Happy anniversary!
