Thursday, June 23, 2011

Lightning Bolts

If you're a writer, it happens to you.  Some plot issue weighs on your mind.  Perhaps it's a relationship you need to complicate, a character you want to eliminate in a memorable fashion or an event you want to foreshadow in a clever manner.  You think about even when you don't know you are.  Then out of the blue, the solution strikes you like a lightning bolt.  You know it will work.

Driving is a time for me when my mind will dwell subconsciously on my writing.  Those lightning strikes of inspiration often find me behind the wheel.  In the summer one of the times I consciously search for inspiration is when I'm doing mindless activities like mowing the grass.  We have a good-sized property.  It takes over an hour even with a riding mower to clip all the green stuff.  Lots of time to work through the twists and turns needed to keep a reader turning the pages.

The only bad thing about ideas slapping your overburdened minds during those times is the difficulty of writing it down before you forget it.  I usually try to work out the details surrounding the lightning bolt so I don't forget the main part.  I've forgotten a few times like the time I got the tractor stuck in a wet part of the yard. 

I know some people get those flashes of inspiration as they fall asleep or dream about them.  They keep a notepad by the bed so they can write them down.  I almost never think of anything useful for my writing before I fall asleep since it usually takes me about forty seconds to drift into mindless slumber.

What about you?  When do those lightning bolts strike you?  Do you ever forget them before you can write them down?


  1. Usually they hit when I'm watching a movie or show. Guess it triggers an idea that would work in my writing. I don't remember what I had for dinner last night, but I usually remember my ideas.

  2. Walking does it for me. I might talk out a plot point with whoever I'm walking with and contemplate it a bit, and by the time I'm home again, it's often worked out.

  3. I also have a lot of inspiration while driving. And when I'm attempting to sleep.

    I don't worry about writing it down. If it is good, I'll remember. If I don't remember it, then it probably wasn't a great idea anyway.

  4. I've written (scribbled) whole pages while driving without taking my eyes off the road...altho' I do pull off if I'm in traffic. I simply must write things down when they come to me. Large sections of my novel were written on cash resiter receipts, napkins and the back of my hand.

  5. I've taken to keeping a pen and paper (even the back of a receipt) with me at all times. The ideas come out of the blue and I'll certainly forget them if I don't write it down.

    Great post! I'm following now. =)

    -Miss Good on Paper

  6. Driving, weeding, washing dishes, showering (until the water runs cold). LOL.

    I think it's the lack of a blinking cursor that gets the story out.

  7. It never fails that my brain starts working overtime when I try to go to sleep. I am a nocturnal writer that has absolutely no control in keeping myself awake to actually complete the task. It is quite annoying. ;) Great post.

  8. Lightning bolts hit me anytime. I'm grateful for being open and unburdened with life to accept these flashes of inspiration/genius. It could be during a walk, gardening, watching TV, reading a book and drinking a beer at the bar. I usually keep a little flip notebook near me to write thoughts and ideas down.

  9. I'm usually just about to fall asleep when lightning strikes. I try to make myself get up and write the idea(s) down. There have been times that an idea hit me while I was cooking or in the shower. My most recent one struck while I was cooking. Oh, and I carry a tiny notebook in my purse just in case ideas happen while I'm away from home.

  10. Sometimes they strike during work and I can pretty much guarantee I'll forget them there. Sometimes they do happen when I'm falling asleep - then they're going to keep me awake! Other times they strike me when I'm walking - then I can work on them :)

  11. Things will hit me in a dream. Usually I remember in the morning and I ponder it all day until I have a chance to write it down.

  12. This is one of the most frustrating things about writing. I do carry a pen and something to write on with me now. Learned my lesson the hard way. Maybe I should get one of those voice recorder things that slip into a pocket.

  13. Hi Susan,

    Great blog!

    Ideas usually hit at all times, but the challenge is in getting them onto the paper then and there!

  14. Lightning strikes me a lot in the shower. I bought myself a set of bathtub markers to have handy so I can scribble notes down on the shower wall. It's made the grout slightly blue-ish, but it's totally worth it.

    I also had a big breakthrough one afternoon during my dog's obedience class. Needless to say, class came grinding to a halt until I had located a post-it note and a pen.
