Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th

And I am happy.  The economy is slamming most of us and too many of my former students are in foreign unfriendly places.  My profession, teaching, is under attack by many politicians as usual when money gets tight. My children are facing challenges I never had to and I worry they may never be able to afford the physical comforts to their future children that my husband and I provided for them. 

But I still feel like I live in a great country with more opportunities than any where else in the world. My son and I watched a soccer game where the USA women trounced Columbia.  My son had watched the women play before and said our ladies are mostly faster and stronger than their opponents.  But what other country provides the opportunity for their young women to start at an early age and compete at any level they can manage?

So happy birthday, USA, I love ya.  Thanks to those who work to keep her strong and growing.  Thanks to our wonderful friends at our borders and across the big pond for having our backs when we really need you. Happy July 4th to all.


  1. Have a wonderful celebration and be safe.

  2. Happy 4th of July. It is indeed a great place to live. :)

  3. Happy 4th of July, Susan :) One day I'll get to visit and see how awesome it is :)

  4. Great post, Susan. We certainly have our problems (my wife is in education, too, by the way), but what a country!
    Sorry I haven't been around too often lately. I'm hoping that today is a turning a new leaf period for me, and that you will see me more often.

    Take care,


  5. Happy Fourth and may our women's soccer team continue to kick butt!

  6. Thanks everyone for taking the time to stop by and visit. I'm having trouble leaving comments on other blogs so it may appear I didn't visit you back. I using computer(B) as in the slow, slow desktop.
