Monday, January 30, 2012

A to Z: Sign Up Today!!!!

Yes, today is the day you can sign up for April's event, the A to Z blogging challenge. I'm not only excited to participate but am looking forward to seeing how many people sign up this year.  It can be a lot of work, but most of it is fun labor.  I didn't get all my posts ready ahead of time last year so I had to scramble a few weekends to get ready for the next week. I learned my lesson with that.

I also didn't get much writing done during that month, but it was worth it to double the number of my followers and find so many interesting and helpful blogs. I wouldn't recommend signing up if you have a deadline for an editor sometime during April.

So I'm already gathering up ideas for my blogs already. As recommended by bloggers more experienced than me, I'm keeping my posts short so my visitors can read them quick, comment and hurry on to visit someone else. 

Last year I stopped in a few blogs who had signed up but weren't participating. I hope everyone keeps up this year because my goal is to visit every blog at least once. But how many will that be? I'm expecting an amazing number. 

Are you signed up? Did you participate last year? Was it fun or work?


  1. Last two years have been a blast! And don't worry - we are really going to police the list this year for non-participants and ad sites.

  2. I'm really excited and nervous for this. I can't wait to meet all the amazing people in the land of Blog.

  3. Not even an hour had gone by since the link to sign up had been posted and there were over 80 that had joined. I have a feeling this is going to be even bigger this year. I had a great time last year and I am looking forward to it this year as well :)

  4. I didn't participate last year and now I am regretting it. Luckily I get to this year! And I would never consider it work. A challenge is meant to be challenging. :D

  5. This is my first year, but I'm excited to be co-hosting!

  6. Last year, my first, was amazing and so much fun. I'm in again this time around and looking forward to the event!

  7. I've done 2 years now and loved it both times. I can't wait for a third year!

  8. Hi, I cam by via the A to Z challenge list. This is my third challenge infact I was the first to sign up on the very first challenge.
    I have made some wonderful blogging friends such as Alex who wrote a piece on the blurb of my book which has just gone on sale in the US.
    See you around the challenge.

  9. I signed up this morning. Think I'm #118.

  10. I'm signed up. :)

    Last year I found it to be both fun and work, since I spent at least an hour writing my posts each day. But I loved doing it and I met some great bloggers during the challenge!

  11. This is so exciting. I'm already meeting new people and April is two months away.

  12. It's a blast and no mater how prepared you are ... well, you'll see. Just enjoy it!

  13. Its great isn't it! Still not even February, and the fun has begun...hope we don't all burn out before it begins! I like your site, thanks for visiting mine!

  14. Oops, that last comment was sent through my wife's account! I'm sure she agrees!

  15. This will be my first year at the A-Z.

    See you there.


  16. I'll be cheering from the sidelines, Susan. :) You go, girl!

  17. I am signed up for both of my blogs. I did it last year too. That was trickier since I didn't know a head of time so everything was done by the seat of my pants. With welcome to me, it works. With yummy stuff, it's harder because I need pictures of the food.
    I think it was fun and work.

  18. I appreciate your visit to my blog. I haven't made the official rounds yet. I hope to visit the five a day until I make it through. I want to keep my posts short too.
