Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A to Z: They Will Come

1000 today or bust!  Will the A to Z Blog Challenge get 1000 signups by the end of today? Will there be 1000 bloggers willing to commit themselves to this wonderfully hectic and rewarding challenge a full month before we start? I hope so.

If you haven't signed up yet, let me give you some reasons why you should if you're a writer.  Authors today must have a web presence.  Your name must pop up on top of google searches.  Readers will, hopefully, want to know what you're up to. What are you writing? What do you like to read? What is your process? Where do your ideas come from? Where will you  make personal appearances?

Being a writer means always learning more of your craft.  It means taking pieces of information and creating your own voice and style.  In today's world, you learn from many sources but the one with deepest well of expertise is as close as your computer screen.  Meet others of your ilk through your blog and theirs.  How do you find this other blogs?

Back to my first paragraph for the answer.  Sign up for things like the A to Z Blogging Challenge.  You will find many new blogs you want to follow and they will find you.  They will come to your blog.

Have you signed up yet? What are you waiting for?


  1. Signed up, and looking forward to it :-)

  2. I am signed up and looking forward to it, even if I have no idea what exactly I'll be writing about. Yet. I'll figure it out. Probably.

  3. I'll just be following along and reading, for the most part, Susan. My blog isn't set up for doing this and I'm already just about booked for March and April guests on Mondays and Fridays.


  4. I won't be playing either, but I hope all you A to Z Heads have a good time of it.

  5. I certainly understand being too scheduled to participate. I've passed up other blog challenges for those reasons, but I'm thrilled to be able to make this one.

  6. Susan, this week Office Max is having a sale. 20% off everything you can stick in a grocery paper bag.

    The bag came in the paper but I am willing to bet they have them there, but you could ring them to see, if you're interested.

    Boogie, boogie.

  7. Thanks, Ivy. I do still have that bag. I always get too much stuff when I go there. All those cool pens and clips and ....

  8. Susan: Tim thought the bag was cool when it came in the paper.

    I dunno what it is, but buying those pens, markers, clips and all. Well, it just makes me smile.

    Couponing is going well. It's like practicing, each time I go. If that makes sense. I keep learning new tricks and things.

    Have a groovy night. Thanks for visiting and boogie boogie.

  9. I did it last year and it was great fun! Now I'm ploughing towards a deadline, so I had to say no. Boo. Maybe next year!

  10. Hi Susan!! I'm signed up- thanks to you!! :)

  11. Yup, I've signed up and am looking forward to it!

  12. The challenge sounds like fun! I can't participate this year (I'm already behind on my writing deadline), but I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's posts!

  13. We'll miss you, Shallee. Cheryl, I'm humbled and delighted. Can't wait to read your posts in April.

  14. Looks like the tally went to 870-odd. Still a very impressive number of people who signed up. It's going to be a biiiig challenge this year.

  15. Done. Now I really feel like a number.

  16. You'll have so much fun, Tina. Glad you're aboard.
    870, Jamie? Big number. How will we ever visit them all?

  17. Excellent reasoning! This post will be mentioned on the A-to-Z Challenge blog Sunday.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse, co-host of the 2012 #atozchallenge! Twitter: @AprilA2Z
