Monday, March 19, 2012

Real Heroes

Most writers of fiction, like me, my novels include heroes and heroines as the main characters.  These fictional people aren't perfect but they do go about saving the world.  Sometimes they battle evil forces, magical in the case of fantasy like I write, but in a contemporary novel the bad guys can be someone giving into their personal desires to acquire wealth or power.  The more complex the antagonist, the better the story.  In the real world, the bad guys are more complicated and perhaps more difficult to identify.
From Jan's blog

A writer friend of mine knows this first hand.  Dr. Jan recently returned from a medical mission trip to Tanzania. I'm not sure of what all she did there, what challenges she faced and how many people she  helped.  But I'm going to find out.  Jan is sharing her experience on her blog, Cherished Illusions, by posting journal entries from her trip.  Her writing talent shines as she pulls you into her adventure, especially the mood of her group. I can't wait to read the next entry.  Not only am I enjoying sharing her experiences, Jan raises a lot of questions that will stay with you long after you're done reading.  You'll know what I mean when you visit. 

It's simple to put money in a collection plate or envelope and then feel you've done your part to help. But people like Jan put their time, their skills and even their lives into that collection plate.  They travel to remote areas and do what they can to defeat enemies more dangerous than wizards or maniacs who live only in our novels.  Ignorance, poverty, disease and all the terrible social woes that go along with those problems are things that are more likely to bring the end of our world than an invasion from beyond the galaxy.  Visit Jan, leave a comment of this real life heroine's blog, and you'll feel good knowing people like her exist. 

Have you ever gone on a mission trip? Do you do journaling and do you share it with others?


  1. Never been on a missions trip. It takes a special kind of person to give that much since it involves giving a hundred percent of one's life.

  2. I've never done anything like that but I plan to one day. She sounds amazing :)

  3. Bit of a recurring theme here... I have never done either, but one day, when the kids are old/I have more time/money...

    As Alex says, it takes a very special person.

  4. I love hearing about people who do what they love and take risks! A lesson for us all.

  5. I love hearing about people who do what they love and take risks! A lesson for us all.

  6. *Several churches in my small town have gone on mission trips to places within the U.S. to help with rebuilding after Hurricane Katrina. Our own pastor has travelled to Louisiana, too, but the schedule didn't work out for me and my family to go. It would be very rewarding to give the time and resources for something like this. I hope to someday.

  7. When I was younger I wanted to do missions work. People from our church have gone to countries we support, like Romania, and I'd love to go someday.

  8. I've never done something like that, but I think it's something I'd like to try. :-)

  9. I've never been on a mission trip. It must take a lot of bravery to put yourself out there and go on one.

  10. Considering that money is tight and I don't like to give it away in the first place, I volunteer my time every week to a good cause. Never been on a mission trip though.

  11. That sounds awesome! I've never been on a mission trip - the closest I've come is volunteering with some charity events at work. Kudos to those who put so much of themselves into it!

  12. OMG, Susan! You brought tears to my eyes! Thank you so much for this post. I sometimes think my motivations are self-centered...I love doing this work, I love to travel, and I love to write about it. What could be better?

  13. No to both, but I do love hearing about others' experiences and I'm in awe if anyone who can put her/himself out there like that.

  14. I guess we're all in agreement of our admiration of people like Jan.
    Jan, you seem like one of the least self-centered people I've ever met. That you enjoy the work you do only makes you that much more amazing. And your writing rocks.
