D: It's double down day with the A to Z Challenge and The Insecure Writer's Support Group. I picked a topic using a word that is more from my parent's time than a contemporary word but the meaning crosses generations.
Many people have story ideas in their heads. Most writers start out with a great love of story telling demonstrated by hours of reading and enjoying the written word. But to move from that love to actually writing down story ideas takes a great level of persistence, or as my mom would say, doggedness. It is work.
As a high school teacher, one of the things I preach to my students is the importance of perseverance as a character trait. It certainly helps in any career but I think it has to be one of the major factors separating published authors and those who are not. Sometimes reaching that goal takes years and the strength of purpose of even the most determined can be tested. Don't ever, ever give up. Work like a dog.
Are you a hardworking dog? Are you confident you can reach your goals if you keep at it?
I'm a retired snoozing in the sun dog now. But goals remain the same, in that regard, I'm still chewing on that bone.
ReplyDeleteI agree! And doggedness is such a big, loping word to use for the trait. I've been using "persistence" with my students, but I like this better... :)
ReplyDeleteI know I can do it if I stick to it. Also, inviting safe people into the dream is important for me. It makes it real. I feel support, and I set deadlines that have to be met.
ReplyDeletePlay off the Page
Most definitely...that perfectionism trait drives me in that direction but as I've gotten older, I recognize the fin line (most of the time :)great blog post!
ReplyDeleteI am doggedly working to keep up with the challenge but having fun. Great post. nice to meet u.
I am doggedly keeping my nose to the grind stone as well determined to conquer this challenge. Lovely post.
Perseverance is so vital in all areas of life. Thanks for the reminder that it doesn't always happen quickly...
ReplyDeleteExcellent post. It does take work. With that in mind, sometimes, it's less fun, but the rewards can be great, so I'll try to keep up with the dog. :)
ReplyDeleteWell, I haven't quit yet so I guess that makes me doggedly (I really enjoy that word) determined. Most of the time, I'm confident that I'll get where I want to be with my writing.
ReplyDeleteI love old fashioned words. Using them keeps them in circulation! Thanks for doing your part. And I agree- perserverance is key.
ReplyDeleteI'm usually fairly confident that if I work hard enough for something, I'll be able to reach it. Though not always, of course.
ReplyDeleteGreat post!
DogGoneIt if you aren't right on the mark for giving solid advice especially to high schoolers who may have a hard time relating to dog words used as adjectives instead of proper names...ie SnoopDog and the guy on Idol who calls everyone 'Dog'.
ReplyDeleteHotDiggityDog...there's another one from my/your folks time...that generates excitement. Well Done!
Your D post and my C post should get married. Consistency + Courage=Doggedness! I really like that parentish word :)
ReplyDeleteIf I have to be a dog, I want to be a hardworking one!
ReplyDeleteI agree completely. There are lots of highly talented writers who aren't published because they weren't as dogged as the next person. The whole inspiration/perspiration cliche is completely true.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if confident applies to me - but doggedness sure does! I definitely don't give up easily. :)
ReplyDeleteSo true about persistence. My favorite Quote of all time by Calvin Coolidge- "Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'Press On' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race."
ReplyDeleteI consider myself hard working - I tend to want to squeeze as much out of my day as possible. Though I think "sheer bloody mindedness" applies more than perseverance :) I always apply the motto "Nothing worth doing is ever easy" to keep things in perspective.
ReplyDeleteJamie Gibbs
Fellow A-Z Buddy
Mithril Wisdom
I feel like I am very hardworking, but only about things I'm passionate for. When it comes to an assignment/task/job that I have no interest in, it gets really hard to keep up the same amount of energy I would for a project I love. It's all psychology, I know!
ReplyDeleteDon't give in, don't give up. Often sheer determination wins the day. Great Post.