Saturday, May 26, 2012

Always Something

I know many of you are aware of my continuing laptop problems. Still not fixed.  It's more of a challenge to keep up with blogging right now but I have no excuse for not getting more writing done. I'm in the middle of edits of Book #3 of The Futhark Chronicles.  Beneath the Mountain continues the tale that started with The Keepers of Sulbreth, continued in Beyond the Gate and will conclude later this year with The Son of Futhark. 

Rather than go into the long list of things I've been doing other than writing, I'll share the thought I had this morning while mowing the lush grass in my back acre.  When you have children, a day job, and a generous property to care for, there's always something that needs done.  There's always something I can spend my time doing.  There's always something I can work on besides writing.  And if I keep giving into the demands surrounding me, I'm never going to get done editing Beneath the Mountain.

Some things must come first like my daughter's softball playoffs, the day job, food, shelter, but I really have to give my writing more priority if I want to get my career moving forward. There will always be laundry to do, weeds to make war upon, meals to cook and some shopping that needs done.  With school over for the summer, I'm hoping to find more hours in the day to devote to my literary aspirations. Sunshine outside usually distracts me, but I'm determined to resist.

What's the 'something' that distracts you at this time of year? Do you have a lot of household chores, inside or outside, that cut into your writing time during the summer?


  1. Usually for me it's the household chores. I tend to go in cycles with my levels of productivity, so I never really keep on top of things. That plus my laziness means that I never get any writing done!

  2. I say, screw the lawn and the dishes and just put the writing first. Even if only a 30 minute session.

    Then, or at least I find, the energy for the other stuff comes, because I've taken the time to do the writing work first.

    Cheers and boogie boogie.

  3. there is always lots of chores isn't it--with me it really seems i have more to do during the school year--but yeah--we can take a little time here and there!

  4. the pool is always calling my name...

  5. There are usually more chores at this time of year--mowing the lawn chief among them, along with other miscellaneous outdoors things that need doing at some point.

  6. The problem with the grass is it doesn't stop growing. And the laundry keeps getting dirty. I don't know that there's an easy way to get around doing it.

    I think this summer I will write first thing every day. The chores can wait until the writing's done.

  7. Oh yes, always something to interfere with the writing! Especially when the writing is going badly for me as it is right now with my current wip.

  8. Definitely the mowing, which needs to be done every five days. I know, my own fault for using weed and feed in the spring.

  9. I tend to work better and faster under pressure. So, when I have let the house and yard go until they are deserate for attention, I can knock that kind of thing off in no time. Sorry I can't say the same for writing deadlines...

  10. Summer is probably when I have the least amount of distractions, as my speaking schedule is very light.

  11. We've still got another month of school so that's distracting me - especially as we have provincial testing to do this week. Lots of stress!

  12. I find it hard to even find time for blogging after working full time all week, doing all the cooking, cleaning and kid's activities - here's to you for fitting "real" writing into the mix!!

  13. Oddly enough, writing has never been at the top of my list. It's generally above laundry, but way below any of the homesteading projects that must take priority, especially when the weather is good.

    Time enough to write new stuff in the winter when the land doesn't need me so much.

  14. Summer is tough for getting much done in the writing department. I have to spend so much time entertaining the kids!

  15. the mess in the kitchen is eternal and I have infinite it doesn't matter what i do b/c that stuff never goes is like magic!

  16. Right now it's the HEAT! London has been experiencing summer, crazily enough, and the flat is roasting!

  17. What distracts me this time of year? Everything distracts me all the time!!
    But yardwork is screaming to be done.
    I certainly understand your conflicts. It's so hard to try and balance it all.
    Visiting from A-Z Roadtrip.
