Monday, June 25, 2012

Feeling Good

After getting a few summer obligations finished, I put my shoulder to the plow lines(Yes, I'm a farmer at heart) and did lots of work on my writing. I finished edits on Book #3 of The Futhark Chronicles, Beneath the Mountain, and am sending it out for a final read through. I always need someone to check my commas.

I also sent the first book in my second fantasy series, First Dragon, off to a number of small publishers.  I like the small publishers for so many reasons.  They get back to you quickly.  They're more likely to take a real interest in you personally. They understand the hurdles you face in promotion and in being a writer with a day job. I hope I can snare one of them to take on my newest venture in the world of prose.

I'm feeling good about getting something accomplished after weeks of devoting only minutes per day to my books.  My goal of the next few months is to make writing a priority for a few hours every day.

My last major commitment this summer is a visit to Boston for my daughter's college orientation at Boston University. I'm looking forward to exploring the city together including the college bookstore/Barnes and Noble where I can spend a little time with an ice coffee.

When I return home, I have to get busy on my newest project.  Once I decide what that is.

Is summer finding you with more hours to write? What are you feeling good about recently?


  1. First Dragon? That sounds cool. Yes, I now have more time to write and am making great progress on CassaStorm.

  2. Honestly, I'm feeling good about your post. You are making progress and that is exciting.

    Go you.

    PS: Here's to a productive fun summer.

    PPS: I'm also feeling good that I've leveled-up to full-time status at the pizza shoppe.

  3. Thanks, Alex. Way to go, Ivy, full time!

  4. Awesome that things are going well for you. I'm finding lots of time to write on weeks when my littlest goes to summer camp, not much of any on the weeks he doesn't have camp (this week).

  5. Since I've been working 3 days a week, I've been working on my newest WIP. Writing at the speed of hurricane winds I am. And working on the last bits of editing to my novel about to go public. Found a new editor, too. Things are good.

  6. My seminar schedule is light during the summer so I have more time to finish edits on my next book.

  7. First Dragon. Nice! You're really accomplished!

    I'm feeling good that my seven year old is almost completely recovered from her emergency appendectomy and my father is doing better after his heart attack. I still don't have time to write, but things are looking up on the health fronts. Which is very, very good.

  8. I'm moving forward on my MS and should be able to get that off to my editor by the end of August. So far summer has been very cooperative with me.

    And good luck with First Dragon. I'm sending big thoughts your way right now.

  9. Thanks for the thoughts, Stephen. Glad to hear the health issues in your family are being resolved, Ava.

  10. Summer hasn't blessed me with more writing time but I'm enjoying it just the same. "Put your shoulder to the plow" LOL, love that!

  11. I'm really hoping to get a lot of quality time with my writing this summer. Only a few more days until then!

  12. Congratulations on your writing progress! That's awesome.

  13. Kudos for making time to write! As a teacher, I look forward to having only one job during the summer: writing. But of course I need to balance my time with trips to the beach for much-needed R&R.

  14. congrats on sending out First Dragon. 'm sure you'll enjoy the Boston trip!
