Sunday, July 8, 2012

Nothing Can Be Perfect

I'm busy procrastinating. I have my third book ready to send to a pro-editor but I haven't done it yet. I keep thinking I should go through it one more time. Check a few more things. Do another find/replace for repetitive words. Then today I sat down at the local BAM (I miss my Borders everytime I sit in this dive), and flipped through July's The Writer while sipping a low-fat caramel frappe and read some wise words from Janet Evanovich.

The interviewer asked Janet what the most useful thing she'd learned about writing was. Janet answered, "Nothing will ever be perfect."  She went on to explain about letting a book go and move onto the next one.  So I'm taking her advice and moving on to the next one.

Now if only I can decide what the next one is.  Have you ever received some great advice that fit your situation perfectly at the time? Do you have trouble letting go of one and moving on to the next thing?


  1. It's so true; even the biggest writers still find changes they'd make to books they published years ago.

    Letting go can be hard but your book needs to spread its own wings. Best of luck.

  2. I'm 1/4 way through my second novel...but still itching to go back to the first one and do a major revision. I have about 10 other projects I'd like to begin, too. Life is too short...

  3. She's right. We can't achieve perfection anyway. Just very frustrating to those of us who want to try anyways.
    Let it go, Susan!

  4. I'm more a completest than a perfectionist. I need to see things through to their conclusion before moving onto the next thing. It can make things difficult on occasion :)

  5. Such great advice!

    I love that you are "keeping busy procrastinating." I am going to use that one next time the procrastination bug bites me!

  6. I guess lots of us struggle against the desire to be perfect. And procrastination.

  7. I have the hardest time letting things go! There's always something I think I should fix. I think for the most part (for me!) it's plain old fear :)

  8. I think it's good advice. There comes a point when you kiss it goodbye and move on.

  9. I bounce back and forth. Sometimes I welcome the news and embrace it. Other times I move on and thank the person but reject what they say. Guess it depends on the mood Im in.

  10. Great advice. Though it may not seem it, I have real difficulty letting go and want to revise even after publication.
