Saturday, September 22, 2012

Weekend!!!! Yeah!

A very hectic week on the day job but now it's finally Saturday. Some good things are happening. Check on TBR Blog. This weekend is the any genre blurb fest. You can post a blurb of your book in the comment area or just read all the blurbs and fill up your TBR pile. Admit it, it was getting a little small with only a few hundred books on it. 

Also for the rest of September, I'm still the featured author on TBR. Thanks much to Cate Masters for asking me.

Thanks to PAGAN who gave me a nice review on Amazon for Beneath the Mountain. Hope I can get a few more.

I'm going to spend part of the weekend catching up on visiting blogs including so many from the Favorite Genre Blogfest that I didn't get around to visiting.

I've mentioned my upcoming retirement a few times and this past week I've added so many things to my 'next year' list. There are lots of book events and festivals only a few hours from me. I could go to those weekend ones while I'm still teaching, but then I'm exhausted the next week at work. I need my weekends to regroup from school. But 'next year' I'm going to attend a bunch of these. Maybe I'll be able to sit on a few panels and get more involved that way.

In the meantime, I'm working on Book#4 of The Futhark Chronicles, Heir of Futhark, and hoping I can get it ready for publication before the start of the New Year. If the world doesn't end in December.

Have you attended any writing events lately? Any in the Mid-Atlantic region you recommend for me for 'next year?'


  1. All the links lead directly to the blogfest post - thanks for continuing to go through the list.
    Sorry, I don't get out to many events.

  2. I'd love to go to conferences, alas, the budget does not allow ...

    lucky you nearing retirement!

  3. I haven't done anything this year. Perhaps I need to be inspired by your plans for next year?

    Good luck with book #4!

  4. I haven't managed to get time to attend anything this year. Maybe in four or five years! I don't know any to the east, but I'm sure they'd be easy enough to goggle.

  5. NJRW in October is a good one. And then 2014 you can come to CPRW's retreat!!!!

    BTW- Really nice and very well deserved review, Sue.

  6. Very unfair if the world ends just before your retirement. I think they just got bored adding pages to the calendar and finally stopped. :)

  7. All the best on your upcoming retirement..... and your future books :-)

  8. I've been working on my blurb for my upcoming book and posted it there. Funny too, because I posted about my Be-otching Blurb on Friday.

    Hugs and chocolate,

  9. Checked out your blurb, Shelly. I like what you did with it.
    A might to NJRW next year, Ava, when I'm actually retired.
    I see I'm not the only one who hasn't been to an event for a quite a while.
