Friday, October 19, 2012


I'm almost an empty nester. My 23 year old son is living at home, but he makes no demands beyond watching really dumb shows on TV. We won't go into that.

I expected I would have lots of writing time this school year since my youngest two are away at college. And I have found more than previous years, but not as much as I expected. I am finding more time to spend on blogging and what fun it was this past week with the Did I Notice Your Book Blogfest. Between the participants and the other blogs I visit nearly every day, I commented on over 100 blogs on Wednesday. That's a record for me. But I also received a record number of comments on my own blog and found some new followers. Thank you to everyone who stopped by.

I learned something about the blogs of writers that I follow. Almost all my bloggy friends write SF or fantasy. There's a lot of variety within those two genres like YA, romance and middle grade. Some of the blogs I visited were suspense or mystery authors and one does some poetry. I wonder, how did we all 'find' each other in the sprawling universe of the blogosphere? Heck, if I know. And I wonder how I'll ever find the time to read all those wonderful books I discovered on the blog hop.

This weekend I'm back at my WIP right after I pick my son up at Penn State and bring him home for a weekend.  I'll also get my blogposts ready for next week. I'm involved in one more blogging event this month, the Monstrous Monday on October 29th. Thanks to Tim Brannan for organizing that. You can still sign up.

What are your plans this weekend? Any blog events on your horizon?


  1. Hundred blogs! Good for you. Welcome to my world. Glad you had fun with it.
    No idea how we all find one another. Someone needs to do a Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon chart.
    Ready for Tim's blogfest!

  2. I expect SF, fantasy and romance followers, but I'm always surprised when I get YA writers.

    They're all welcome. I'm glad they find me diverse enough to follow.

  3. I seem to encounter YA writers more than anything. The genre has really exploded.

  4. This weekend, Sir Poops and Hair Ball got to the vet for their shots. Tomorrow afternoon, I'll be with the grandsons. Sunday, I'll be hair lopping. Before going into work, I'll be working on any one of my writing projects.

    And I'll be taking a 6 week hiatus from blogging beginning Nove. 2oth.

    Hugs and chocolate,

  5. I love big blog events. It's a great way to find like minded writer buddies.

    This weekend I'll be working and then working some more. But I think I'll get in some writing and football on Sunday. =)

  6. That's because SF and F are the bomb (I'm not biased in saying that ... at all ...). Your blog has really jumped since you plunged into the blogosphere. That's how it works. Keep it up and you'll be a rock star (psst - you're already one :)

  7. no i don't have any blogging events planned--i hope to do some of that one of these days---no my weekend will exist (as far as i know)of three grand-kids football games and one of them having a cheering competition Sunday--church-- hopefully finding out what is wrong with our car---hope you enjoy your weekend susan :)

  8. 100 blogs? In one day? Okay, I'm definitely doing something wrong. I can never get anywhere near that number.

  9. 100+ blogs? Wow. I got to over 50 and then kind of burned out.

    No big blog events on my horizon--unless NaNoWriMo counts!

  10. One hundred blogs is a lot. I think extra time is like closet space - the bigger it is, the quicker it gets filled up.

  11. There is a lot of YA out there. It's kind of invaded my subconscious, to the extent that I'm trying it for NaNo. I'm thankful to my fellow bloggers for opening my mind to it!

  12. There are a lot of YA writers out there,that's for sure! Not so much in the UK, though - I'm not sure why.

    Hmm, this weekend I'll mainly be working on Draft 3 and catching up on errands. Fun!

  13. I've backed off on blogfests for the last couple of months - it's just been too crazy. I did enjoy reading a lot of the posts though!

  14. I visited a handful of blogs on Wednesday, October 17. No, I did not visit every blog - didn't have time for that considering I'm a regular at many blogs. BUT I do try to visit at least ten to fiften blogs every day and by the time, I visit that many, I'm exhausted.

    The big blog event coming up for me is hosting The Mistaken blog tour on my blog which I'm looking forward to. And IWSG and hosting several guests.

    The best part of blogging is supporting and encouraging other writers despite you have to visit a million blogs every day :)

  15. I try too visit blogs too, but can't seem to find enough time. i would like to though, i enjoy reading others thoughts and learning... I too thought by now i would have more time..guess we should count our blessings and be happy we are busy!!
    hope your weekend is fun!

  16. I just relaxed and did a bit of editing. Want to make sure my book is 100% query ready before I start writing something else.

    Never did learn to write and edit at the same time. :-)

  17. I wish I had the time to comment on 100 blos. I would if I could.

    And I have some mini-series coming up in November that should be a lot of fun.

  18. Hey Susan: Sounds like you've got a lot going on. And holy pumpkin heads, you commented on over 100 blogs on Wednesday.

    Go you. Rah.
