Friday, October 12, 2012

Time Line

I can't believe we're almost halfway through October. Where has 2012 gone? Hopefully everything doesn't end in December because I have plans for 2013.

I read a short article in a writer magazine written by an author who had left the big six publishing company she wrote for to take the self-publishing route. She had many reasons for changing the course of her career and with a lot of hard work, she made pretty good money. I'm not sure I could ever spend 10 hours per day promoting online, but it was inspiring. One of her reasons for abandoning the 'big boys' publishing game struck a cord with me.

It's not unusual with a large publisher for the actual date of putting your book on the market to be two years in the future from the time you sign their contract. Two years. That's a long time from getting an advance check until you start to earn any royalties. In that time, most authors will write two or more additional books without every know how that first book will be received.

Most indie publishers get your contracted book to market much quicker, three to twelve months at most. And of course, if you self publish, your book is for sale as quick as you can do the preparation. The time line you make is your own.

I think more writers are getting impatient with the slow machine of the traditional publishing houses. Authors are more determined than ever to take control of their careers and the products of their hard work.

Is your career following your timeline? Have you felt 2012 flew by? Plans for 2013?


  1. I have no idea where the year went!
    Two years is a long wait. My small publisher takes a year or less. I'm good with that as it gives me time to prepare.

  2. 2012 flew by. It seems it should be 2008.

    I'm self-publishing even though I'm pretty scared at this moment. I'm a nervous wreck. Yesterday I sent Secondhand Shoes to the formatters finally.

    Hugs and chocolate,

  3. Two years doesn't seem that long to me. The up side of waiting two years is I would have at least two more books completed and hopefully in the queue to be published.

  4. Long timelines are one of the biggest reasons I went out on my own. I love being in control of my output!

  5. Nope, my career is definitely not following my timeline so I also have plans for 2013. Really hope the Aztecs were wrong... =)

  6. I was doing good but my timeline got off track for a while.

  7. I always learn something here! still dreaming about my book!!
    so much happened in 2012, if I think about it I might go crazy.

  8. Like you I don't know where the time has gone to. By March next year it will be two years since I finished work to write full time. I was hoping to have my novel finished, well I did. Not to the stage I want it, but finished. I've had my novel critiqued so now I'm busy reworking it so hopeful to a higher standard so I'm happier about senting out into the big wide world

  9. yes, time flies by much too fast and every year it gets worse! And I agree, 2 years is a long time to wait but I'm still hoping to go that route.

  10. I can't believe it's October. I feel like I was just making up my goals for 2012 and now there's talk of 2013. :P

  11. I'm a little behind schedule. Or maybe the schedule is just a little ahead of me. The year is certainly flying by.

  12. What do you mean, it's October? That's not possible! lol
    Two years is crazy long in this age of technology, and there seems no good plausible explanation for such a wait. Not only do authors have to wait for royalties, but a "fresh" idea will be stale by then.
    My timeline's stuck at the beginning of the year, I think. :) Hopefully we'll have a new year to catch up!

  13. 2012 went by super fast! It's just over two months until Christmas. I need to start shopping! I like the freedom of self-publishing. Sure, I would love to be published by one of the big six, but right now in life, it's nice to not be constrained by contracts. I can do things in my own time.

  14. I think this is true. I recently read an article (I think in washington times) which discussed literary awarded author who has taken self-publishing route. Basically one of his main issues was time. e.g. for one of his books, Oprah recommended it as she got advanced copy - it took his publisher (one of the big 6) 6 weeks to release his book. His point was that through self-publishing he can move process quicker himself!

    A lot has to be said for being in control of the process.

  15. Whew! Yes 2012 flew by! I remember at the start of the year thinking I'd be done with this book and sending it out by now and I'm not :) But that's a total me thing. I guess I work so slowly anyway, I wouldn't mind the rest of the publishing industry going at that pace!
