Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Quote and The Whole Shebang

Today I have the fortune to be a guest on The Whole Shebang Site. TWS has dedicated itself to promoting not just writers but other fields of creativity like music and art. When you visit, check out their archives and meet some very interesting people. I'll be talking about reading across genres and how it helps my own writing. I would love to hear your apinion on it. See you over there where you can get a first peek at my newest book cover for The Marine's Queen.

Today is make up day Movie Quote. I would laugh at Alex Cavanaugh for forgetting the romantic quote from last week except I totally forgot it also and I had it written down. Searching for this quote made me realize how few romantic flicks we own or even watch. So I had to go back to teh movie that explains everything in life.

From The Princess Bride, Wesley: "As you wish."

Which if you watch the movie, you know those words mean 'I love you.' Is there anything more romantic than a couple that has their own secret communication? Do you have that with your significant other? Do you understand what is beneath his or her words?

Thanks Alex for running this fun quote day. Thanks, Misty, for having me at Shebang.


  1. Nice post over at Misty's, Sue. I commented over there.

  2. Great post over at TWS, though I don't always think you have to give the readers what they expect :)

  3. I've never seen that movie. Well, I've seen parts but still need to sit and watch the entire thing.

    Hope you're having a groovy day.

  4. One of my favorite lines from one of my favorite movies.

    Headed over to Misty's site now to check out your post there.

  5. Very awesome line! And sometimes we just have too much going on to remember everything.

  6. Great quote. That's an iconic movie!

  7. I'm starting to think The Princess Bride has a quote for any situation.
    Thanks for visiting me at Shebang.

  8. now i want to watch the movie again...

  9. I hadn't seen that movie until very recently (love it!) - and that is an awesome choice!! :)

  10. Seeing that has made me want to watch PB again :)

    I enjoy communicating in a semi-secret language, but it's usually made up of quotes from stand up comedians and BASEketball :)

    Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom

  11. Love that line. My middle child used to watch that movie incessantly! Yes, it's wonderfully romantic to have a phrase meaningful to only the couple.

  12. Love the quote. I've seen The Princess Bride, but I'd forgotten that.
