Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A to Z Blogging Challenge: N

Rolling along and over halfway through the 2013 A to Z Blogging Challenge. Visit all the crazies on the list right here. I'm going with my theme of the big plan of how I'm going to work harder on my career as a writer after I retire from the day job in June.

N: New Authors. I'm have a long list of authors who have published their first books. I've added more than a dozen since April started and expect to add more. Not only am I going to buy and read their books, I'm going to mention them on my blog and ask for their books at the library. I'm going to ask more of them to guest on my blog and shout out their books on Facebook and Twitter.

The best way to sell books, I've heard, is by word of mouth. I'm going help pass the word on for other authors just starting out like many people did for me and continue to do for me. I'm going to pick up books by new authors and support them any way I can.

How many new authors have you read lately? Have you discovered a lot of books you want to read from participating in A to Z?


  1. The last two books I read were written by new authors.

    I'm always discovering new books I want to read. I'm going to have to find a way to live forever because that's the only way I'll be able to read everything I want.

  2. I agree, word of mouth seems to be the most effective method of selling books!

    I have a huge list of books I want to read, some by new authors, some by old. Mostly self published, though not deliberately.

    Rinelle Grey

  3. Word of mouth is the BEST way to market.

  4. Most of what I've read lately has been by new authors, but that might be because I do reviews on my blog.

  5. Every month I do a post - Recommended Reading - about the standout books I read that past month. Sometimes it's famous or bestselling authors but sometimes they're new to me or debut authors. I love talking about books I love! :)

  6. I don't know about 'read,' but every week I buy a couple new author's books. And I do my best to help spread the word.

  7. i am sure that you are right--word of mouth is the best---i have to say, my reading is not what it used to be--but i am reading several books now by authors i had never read before

  8. I haven't been doing a lot of reading these days (*cringe*). Can't say I've picked up a lot of books via the Challenge--but then, I haven't run into a lot of book blogs!

  9. I haven't discovered any books but I have discovered some new blogs to follow!

  10. What a great idea. I haven't discovered any new authors recently. Just waiting on friends to release sequels to their first books.

  11. I love discovering new authors!I think it's wonderful that you are mentioning them. Word of mouth is very important.

  12. I read a new author by the name of Susan Gourley! I reviewed your book! Loved it so much :)

  13. I've been reading many of these new books!

    #atozchallenge, Kristen's blog: kristenhead.blogspot.com
