Thursday, April 18, 2013

A to Z Blogging Challenge: P

The 2013 A to Z Blogging Challenge is rolling along. Don't get stressed if you're not keeping up with visits and comments. Just do the best you can. You might not have time to visit everyone on the list. It's okay.  Below is my offering of writing advice and something I feel I already do in my part time career as an author but I will do it even more.

P: Persistence. We do some character education as part of our drug education unit at my school. One of our emphasis is on the characteristics of successful people. Number one is persistence. Successful people don't give up. They try and try, and then try again.

I queried dozens of agents and editors until I found a small press who wanted to publish my first romance novel. After having four romance novels published by small presses, I wrote my first fantasy novel. Again I searched and searched and this time earned a contract with a medium sized publisher. Then that publisher decided they were changing directions after they published my second book. I didn't want to change with them so I took that four book series back from them and self pubbed it. Now I've found another independent press to publish my second fantasy series and have also had three more romance novels published by the wonderful small press who believed in me first. I'm not on the USA today bestsellers list but I'm not giving up. I'll never give up.

Are you persistent? What frustrations have made you want to give up?


  1. Being persistent is a good characteristic I think. I did set myself a goal of having my novel at a specific point or I'd give up at one stage, but it was more to spur myself on than because I wanted to give up! I tend to believe frustrations are temporary, and let them roll over me most of the time.

    Rinelle Grey

  2. i can be persistent---i don't think i am too persistent about my writing--except i am sorta determined when i take on a challenge such as this a-z one---cause honestly susan, i don't want to finish it but something keeps pushing me on :)

  3. I think teaching kids persistence is an excellent idea. It might make it easier for them to set goals and stick with things when they're adults. :)

  4. Persistence is important; seeing something through until it's finished.

  5. Keep going, Susan... you are doing AMAZINGLY WELL!

    Yes, I am persistent. I'm like an old dog with a bone and will never give it up.

    I still believe in my first novel and WILL find a home for it one day. Same with novel two...

    I believe in persistence and TIMING... both go hand-in-hand. As my blog title points out In TIme ... That says it all!

  6. Great advice and something I always need to remember. Love that picture too.

  7. I'm writing a book about my cousin Laurence who passed away from brain cancer at 16. It's a very hard thing to write, and I have "given up" a few times- but then pull everything back out and get back to it. Thanks for the encouragement today!

  8. Well, I haven't given up yet so I guess that makes me persistent.

    I do admit to thinking about giving up every once and a while, but it's always a fleeting thought, and never anything that's entertained with any amount of seriousness.

  9. There is always more than one path! I always say obstacles are what we see when we take our eyes off the goal.

  10. I agree, persistence is key. That and practice.

  11. Persistence and the ability to block out the negative. If you can do that, you can do anything.

  12. My mom used to call me Mulie Julie-- for my stubborn trait. Now I think of it as determination and persistence, which when used positively, are a good thing!

  13. Early in 2012, my publisher decided it was going to shut it doors. I was crushed, as I had signed a contract with them in late 2011.

    But they were nice enough to give me back my rights, and they even sent me to another publisher. So it all worked out.

    I spent 12 years as a freelance editor and rejection-collector!

  14. That is a good story of persistence. I'm still hanging in after several years and many rejections, so I guess I have more persistence than I thought I would have. Or is it just stubbornness?

  15. Thank you for your example of persistence paying off.

    #atozchallenge, Kristen's blog:
