Saturday, April 20, 2013

A to Z Blogging Challenge: R

We made it through another week of The A to Z Blogging Challenge. I'll be using Sunday again to try and catch up on some of the many blogs I didn't get a chance to visit during the week. Still many more to go. I'm following along with my theme of things I'll be working harder at once I'm retired in June.

R: Read and Review. I read and read and then read some more, but between writing, promotion and more reading, I don't take the time to review the books I've read on places like Amazon and Goodreads. I don't fill my blog with reviews but I could make more mention when I finish a book and link to the reviews I've done on other sites.

All authors hope to get reviews for their books and I'm going to make sure I do it for more of my peers. It's a good way to give back to the community of writers.

Do you do reviews at Goodreads or Amazon? Do you review every book you read?


  1. I review almost every book I read on my blog. I occasionally post those reviews on Goodreads, and have only once posted a review on Amazon. I try to make more of an effort when the review is for a writer I've met through the blogosphere.

  2. I review most of the books I read, but sometimes I'm just too lazy! I like to read reviews before I buy the book!

  3. I'd never written a book review until I started blogging. When I started meeting author's who were self-publishing I decided I should support them with reviews. The best thing is you can put the same review on both Amazon and Goodreads :)

  4. I don't have an Amazon account but I do try to post a review or at least stars on Goodreads. I'm a bit behind as well.

  5. I don't review every book I read. If it's by someone I know, I'm not sure I should review it either. Not sure I could be completely biased.

  6. It's been so long since I reviewed anything. Okay, it's been that long since I finished reading anything!

  7. If I really enjoyed a book, I'll post a review on GoodReads. I did post them on Amazon too, but since I've had a couple deleted (because I'm an author I guess?), I don't bother anymore.

    Rinelle Grey

  8. I've started reviewing books written by blogger buddies, and posting it on Goodreads... it's a good way to pay it forward.

    Writer In Transit

  9. I've done a couple of Goodreads reviews, for what they're worth :)

  10. I usually do a roundup post on my blog of the Standout books I read that month. I also either write a review of a book or at least rank it with stars over on Goodreads. Unless I didn't finish the book, which usually means I didn't like it. :)

  11. I want to be one of those people who always leaves reviews, especially since I hope to see the same for my books. But I'm also one of those people that when I like a book, I have a hard time saying more than "This was awesome, you should read it now if you like awesomeness".

    Maybe I shouldn't hesitate to leave those though. I just read so many well-written reviews, that take so many elements into account...I have good reviewer envy ;-)
    Find me:
    Twitter: @AllysonLindt

  12. I want to be one of those people too, Allyson. Don't know if I ever will be. I have trouble keeping up with my shelves on Goodreads let alone doing reviews. But I'm going to do better.

  13. This is something I, too, need to do more of.

  14. I've been getting better at leaving comments on Goodreads. I don't usually leave stars, but I like to leave positive comments on books I like :)

  15. I seldom review books - only if I'm blown away and wish I'd written it. But do enjoy interviewing new authors and helping them promote their books. I'm even getting a little better at the interviewing process!

  16. I have a difficult time posting a review direct from my Kindle. I have to do it from my computer, so I usually end up not doing it...::sigh::

  17. I recently deleted sixteen years of Amazon reviews because I was disgusted with their corrupt system. Until a few months ago, I wrote reviews on Goodreads and my blog. I suspect I'll start again as soon as I find the time. :)

    VR Barkowski

  18. I always put up a review on Goodreads, but unless I've bought the book myself I won't put a review up on Amazon. Everything goes on my blog though :)

    Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom

  19. I have the exact same problem! I keep meaning to write reviews, but they always wind up being much lower priority than the other things on my plate, so they just never get done.

    #atozchallenge, Kristen's blog:
