Thursday, April 4, 2013

A to Z Challenge: D

Thanks for stopping by and being part of the A to Z Blogging Challenge. There are loads of blogs to check out here. I'm keeping with my theme of how I'll be advancing my career as a full time writer after I retire from teaching in June.

D: Dream. Since I penned my very first novel in longhand, I dreamed of being a full time writer. Sure I heard the stats of how few writers earn an actual living wage for their efforts. I heard the phrase, 'don't give up your day job,' constantly when I started out. And I didn't but I still dreamed of being able to write full time and envied those who did.

Truth was, most of the people I knew who didn't have a day job and could write full time had a spouse who had a really good job so they didn't need their writing income. But I dreamed and now I'll be living the dream though it's only because I'll have a pension income. I would starve if I tried to live on my writing income. Take note of the countdown on the right. Soon I won't be dreaming and I hope you don't give up your dreams either. They're great motivators.

Do you dream of being a full time writer? Are you close to obtaining a dream of yours even if it isn't writing?


  1. Wouldn't it be lovely if we could make a living off our writing. Alas, I suppose we'll just have to plod along in our spare time.

  2. Hi Susan! I got sick and had to give up the day job. It means we're as poor as church mice but I do get to write full time now which is lovely. I adore it. I still mess about on blog challenges though!

  3. so important to not give up on our dreams---you are blessed to have yours susan!!

  4. I LOVE THIS POST! Yes, I am a full-time writer. And yes, I do have a husband who makes good money. HOWEVER, I now make enough as a full-time article writer and fiction writer to support myself if I needed to. YES, NEVER GIVE UP on your dreams. My dream was to become a full-time writer, and I've been one for over five years now. I'll NEVER go back to my old life.

  5. It's been my dream to make a living from writing for a long time, but of course...I'm not even close. Like so many of us. I'm not giving up though.

  6. It would be amazing to support myself solely on writing, but I'm certainly not counting on it. And I'm nowhere near being able to do it, but that's okay.

  7. Good for you! You're a great example of what it means to never give up, to persist and persevere. :)

  8. That's one of my dreams, for sure. The good thing is, it's a dream we can actually make come true.

    Best wishes with yours! :)

  9. Happy D day! Oh yes, I dream of being a full time writer. I'm trying. It's a lot of work, but even if I never make it, I say it's worth it.

  10. I have the same dream. It's a hard road, but I'm doing it. I want to show my kids the power of never giving up.

  11. Writing doesn't pay a lot, but it sure is wonderful. Nice that your dreams about writing full time are coming true for you:)

  12. I did it. Two years ago I quit a 20+ year career to pursue this writing gig. It hasn't made enough to pay off a bill yet! My husband and I examined our budget, cut out things like eating out, cable or satellite TV, and data plans for the phones. We drive old, butt-ugly cars that are paid for, and I shop in resale stores for clothes. I don't regret it for even one, small moment! I realize it's not something everyone can do, but I'm sure glad we were able.

  13. This is a good uplifting post. I am happy for you. Love the countdown.

    PS: Tim and I are together 10 years today. Holy crap, that went fast.

  14. I'm dreaming the dream. It will happen, someday.

  15. Yay for following dreams! Happy dreaming and happy A-Z

  16. Great post! Congratulations on following that dream and best of luck to you on making it fantastic. I dream about the writing thing, but haven't done it yet, meaning I have the dream but haven't been doing the WORK! :)

  17. I'm a full time author-speaker-formatter now. We still rely on my husband's paycheck, but my income has risen over the years and we could survive on it if we had to. I'd rather not though!

  18. Dreams are definitely important, especially as a writer. Thankfully, my full-time job is stay-at-home mom... so life doesn't hinge on my career taking off... sure would be nice if it took off, though!

    (Happy A-Zing!)

  19. I love your countdown. I'm the same way, not that I'm retired, we just cut way, way back so we could live on my husbands income and I could work less at work and more at home and on my books.

  20. I wrote my first novel in longhand. I STILL write by hand 75% of the time. It's my sanity. :) Dreams keep us going. I doubt I'll ever quit my day job as a stay-at-home mom ...;) but I'll continue striving to make some $ for my hobby. :)

    Terri @ Scribbler’s Sojourn
    Facebook / Twitter

  21. My first was written in longhand. My second on an old manual typewriter. But it was always a part time, 'when I could squeeze it in' kind of thing.
    Many, many years later - I've passed my sons off to their wives and retired from my job. Full time writer now, no excuses. Let's see what happens.

  22. That's great that you never gave up your dream of being a fulltime writer, and now you're living it. I dream that too, and will keep striving to make it a reality. :D

  23. I've never wanted to be a full time writer. Too much pressure.

  24. Not a full time writer, but I have dreamed of writing songs for people.

  25. It would be wonderful to make a living as a writer! I definitely dream of that. I'm not sure if I ever want to go full-time hours at it. It sounds strange to say that, but I think if I could get in 4-6 hours a day that would be awesome, but more than that - no. I like teaching writing classes to homeschoolers, and I like volunteering too much to give those both up. I also love homeschooling my own kids at the moment, so I'm not ready to "retire" from any of that right now.
    Someday my kids will be in college, and I would love to make enough money to write and use that for their college money. If not, I'll be back at a real job, and then writing besides that.

  26. One never knows. Fame and fortune could be just around the next bend in the road. I hope that's true for you. When A-Z is all over, I'd love to check out your books.

  27. I like your point. Being a full-time writer doesn't necessarily mean earning a full-time living at it, but it means writing full time. Something completely different. This is awesome. I'm so glad you are going to be living your dream!

  28. Oh, Karen, you said that just right. I know many writers share the same dream as me. I wish we could all stay home and write.

  29. Well, I could be a full-time writer if I didn't have so many other fun little things I want to the A to Z Challenge. :D

  30. My dream is writing too. I'm not agented, but I'll keep working. I learn more all the time and that only makes me a better writer. Like anything, this takes time and rushing means not getting it done right. At least for me. Someday though... it'll happen.

  31. Oh I would so love to be a full time writer! But so far, I'm not in a position to be able to give up my day job! Hopefully one day.

    Congratulations on being close to living your dream!

    Rinelle Grey

  32. I don't see myself as being a full time writer; I quite like having it as a hobby for now. Saying that though, I've not written all that much, so there's little risk of me giving up my day job just yet :P

    Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom

  33. I do dream of being a full-time writer, yes, and I'm not likely to give up on that dream any time soon. One day, one day…

    I'm liking your blog, Susan, and your thoughts on life. I'll be back!

  34. I have a very demanding, crazy-hour, work-from-home job. Writing has always been something that relaxes me. When I am working, I can't wait to get back to writing. And when I am writing, it never feels like work! My debut novel is set to release in September and it's anyone's guess how it will go. Not sure if I will ever earn enough from writing to make it a full-time gig, but I am happy to juggle for now. Enjoying your A to Z journey so far!
    Jess / Blogging on the Brink

  35. That's my dream. I don't need to be making as much from my books as I do from my work to quit, but I do need to have steady sales. I'll keep going for it!
