Monday, July 22, 2013

Take a Walk

Did you all start singing when you read the title? Yes, a little Passion Pit playing on the iPod while I write this post. But I'm not talking about romance, I'm talking about writing.

Finally, finally, I finished the first draft of The Marine's Heiress last Friday. I wanted to finish the book by the end of June but it took longer than I thought and was actually a bit longer, coming in at 85K before edits. There's lots to be cut, some added, some changed but that first draft is done. I'm eager to get onto the second draft, but first I'm going to take a walk. Well, actually, a long ride. I'm going to Colorado to visit my son in Colorado Springs. I'll be away from my writing for an entire week. All told, it will be about ten days until I get back to The Marine's Heiress. Long enough to think through the things I need to change and fix. Let it all percolate for a little bit.

How long do set aside a manuscript or story before you work on the second draft? Or do you dive right in? How long does it take you to do that second draft compared to the first? Do you like Passion Pit?


  1. Enjoy visiting your son!
    I think I let mine sit a day or two. By the time I finish, I've forgotten the beginning anyway.

  2. I like to give mine a week to ten days. It's amazing how refreshed and more observant I am after a vacation from writing.

  3. It's amazing what you can see after your eyeballs and brain have had a chance to rest.

  4. I've done both. I've discovered that you have to do what works best for you at the place where you're at in the project. Sometimes, I have to dive in and keep going so I don't lose the momentum. Other times I need a break because I'm so frustrated I feel like sending the entire WIP to the recycle bin. Whichever way you go will be what works best for you.

    Enjoy your vacation!

  5. I let mine sit for a couple weeks. It's not hard when I have other stories to work on, so I switch to one of those.

  6. I think it depends on if I've got something else in the works to turn my attention to. If so, I can wait a couple weeks. If not, I can barely last a couple days.

  7. I like to let it rest for a month so that my eyes are really fresh when I look at it again.

  8. I've never even heard of Passion Pit (I know, I'm old :P )...I guess I'll have to Google them.

    As for second drafts, I let mine simmer for a few months, though not really on
