I recently received my quarterly statement from one of my three publishers. I've been with them for quite a while and my most recent release, The Marine's Heiress, is my eighth novel with New Concepts Publishing. Every quarter when I get my statement, I'm reminded of some of the reasons I'm glad I'm with a small publisher.
I published my first book with New Concepts at the end of 2007. It doesn't seem like such a long time ago but in book years, six years is leaning toward elderly for a fiction novel. In the bad old days of book publishing, a genre novel might get a few weeks in the sun and then might never be seen again. Thanks to ebooks, the shelf life of a book can be infinite. Every quarter when I get that sales report, that very first book is still making money for me. Not like it did in its first year or even its second, but people are still purchasing it.
Every time I have a new book released, I see a little bump in sales on my old books. Not one or two of them, but all of them. Not just ebooks, but print books also. New Concepts recently did some upgrades to their site so they can show off new releases and special sales even better. When they sell my books directly from their site, I make more money on it since the middle man is cut out of the profits.
Though my small publisher doesn't pay me an advance, with their support in keeping my books easily available I feel confident I will eventually earn an income from my books similar to what a larger publisher pays as an advance. As you've probably heard before, many books with the large publishers never earn back their advances and that is the only money authors ever see. I'm quite happy right where I am.
Do you remember the days when backlist books were difficult or impossible to find? Have you received advances for your books or do you earn only royalties? Do you have books that keep earning and earning for you? Want to shout out a 'love-ya' to your publisher?
Glad small publishing has been such a good fit for you! And I completely agree with you about ebooks. I love how that allows me to find books that would've once become impossible to find after a couple years!
ReplyDeleteThat's cool you are with three different publishers and have so many titles. I know that's where I messed up, although I never intended to have more than one anyway.
ReplyDeleteI received an advance for my last book, but otherwise it's straight royalties.
Once again, for someone who hasn't published anything, this is interesting stuff. E-books are changing the nature of publishing and how profits are made. Yes, I do remember when books went out of print. It could be difficult to find them. E-books have changed all of that.
ReplyDeleteWell an advance would be nice, but being able to make a living off of them is so much better.
ReplyDeleteLast year was my first with my publisher (a small one), but I've had a good experience so far. It's inspiring to know that your books are still selling and that you have so many! Kudos to you. :)
ReplyDeleteHeather, I just bought a backlist book from an author I just discovered.
ReplyDeleteAlex, I'm not sure I like being with three different publishers but they don't all publish the same thing so I had not choice. Great for you getting the advance.
Robin, you are so right. The best thing is that authors are getting a bigger chunk of the profit.
Pat, I'm not really making a living, just making it more comfortable.
Julie, glad to know you like your publisher. They're not all created equal.
i am so happy for you susan!!
ReplyDeleteSo many true statements in this post!
ReplyDeleteI haven't published anything yet but first is coming out this spring :)
ReplyDeleteIt's encouraging to hear your older titles are still selling well. And with the more titles you have , the more the sales can compound. :)
ReplyDeleteThat's terrific! I remember those days. The great luck of finding something at a secondhand book store. Have a good weekend. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the well-wishes. :) Have a lovely weekend.
ReplyDeleteGreat insight, thanks! As for me, I'm a bit nervous at the thought of an advance. I think I'd prefer royalties.
ReplyDeleteThe Warrior Muse
That's great Susan! That's why they say "write the next book" as the best way to market. I only have one out so far, but I'm working on getting more out and hopefully have more out later this year.
ReplyDeleteEbooks have done wonders for writers and I just love it!