Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Best Job

If you've been with my blog for any length of time, you know I retired from teaching last fall. I highly recommend retirement. It's the best job I've ever had. I miss my students but not enough to wish I was still teaching.

The other best job I have is writing. I'm busy working on the last book in The Recon Marine
The old and the new side by side in Boston
s Series. I have goals for finishing up though the deadline is of my own making. What's better than being your own boss.

With another storm in the forecast, I very glad I won't have to worry about all those makeup snow days this year. It could mess up with my Valentine Day's plans. My husband and I have a date with my daughter and her roommate in Boston for dinner. Now if only we don't get that foot or more of snow they're predicting and even more for the Boston area. I think there's a glacier forming in my backyard.

And another word of wisdom from my Old Farmer's Almanac Planner. It's appropriate for Valentine's Day if you're wondering if you love someone. From English poet George Meredith, 1828-1909, "Kissing don't last, cookery do."

Don't forget that today is Abraham Lincoln's real birthday. When I was in school, we always had this day off. Now I have it off again.

I won't be posting on Friday as hopefully I'll be traveling. I'll try to visit everyone over the weekend. What are your plans for Valentine's Day? Are you in the path of the next white-out blizzard mega storm? Is your job as wonderful as mine?


  1. Hmm, good kisser or good cook? Now there's a dilemma...

    Moody Writing

  2. Hope you still get to meet your daughter for dinner. They are predicting more snow and ice for us today.
    And first time reading that I saw 'cockery.' Yes, the phrase took on a whole new meaning at that point...

  3. I'm not the best cook so I have to hope I'm a pretty good kisser. My husband has stuck around this along so I guess I'm doing okay in that area. :)

    Hope your plans work out!

  4. Since retiring, I'm busier now than when I worked the day job, but I enjoy it far more.

  5. My husband and I have always had our own businesses. It's a wonderful way to live if you can handle the financial ups and downs. No plans for Valentine's Day. In fact I'm happy not to be in the US where it's commercialized so much (like all holidays) you get sick of the whole idea.

  6. Here in Chicago a storm of one form or another is always brewing. the snow drifts are taller than me at this point. Wind, ice, and snow... We get one or all three daily.

    I hope you get into Boston for your dinner. I HAD plans to see a play with a friend, not sure If I'll make it though.

  7. Yeah more of that white crap is coming here too, hopefully doesn't get in the way at your bay. But valentines day haha my plans are to bash it at my bay

  8. A foot??? Really? Ok, winter, I'm waving the flag of surrender. You win! Now please, let us a little!!!

    Sigh. Retirement sounds like the best job ever. I have to say, my day job isn't nearly as cool :)

  9. I hope your Valentine's Day plans work out precisely as you hope. It is terrible trying to work around this weather. Makes me glad I live in FL. However, I used to live in GA and the news is predicting an ice storm for them. The south and ice.... do you sense a disaster in the making? Me too.

  10. We've had so much snow, they are making up the school days on Saturdays. You want to talk about some mad kids!

    AJ's wHooligan in the A-Z Challenge

  11. I agree. Retirement and writing are the best jobs ever.

  12. Safe travels and Happy Valentine's Day Weekend. Tim and I are getting four days off together and I'm pretty darn excited.

    Cheers and boogie boogie. Or, I should say, since it's Valentine's, Cheers and Smoochie Smoochie.

  13. I see like I'm constantly looking payment inviting things to read close Cccam Server by a heterogeneity of topics, but I get along to include your install develop into my reads every day because you have compelling entries that I look help to.

  14. Love that quote! I love to cook, too. I guess that's why my hubby and I will be celebrating 24 years of marriage in June.

    Safe travels!

  15. I always dreamed of the day I could "retire" from my day job...but it was to write full-time. Now that I'm a full-time writer, I've realized I have no desire to ever retire! I read a quote from Andy Rooney the other day: "Writers never retire." I get that!

  16. Hopefully you'll still get to have dinner with your daughter. I have no Valentine's day plans except to deliver my son and a ton of strawberries to his school for his party. :)

  17. I miss snow, but that's probably only because I've been away from it for so long now. I can't wait until I can quit my job, but unless my writing takes off, it'll be awhile. Haha. Hope you're able to make it to Boston this weekend!

  18. Tomorrow (Valentine's Day) I'll be working... at my part-time day job, and late evening, my night job...
    I hope you get to Boston... and have a great time with your daughter and co.
    (See you next week for the Ubuntu Blog Hop. I'm looking forward to reading all the entries...)
    Writer In Transit

  19. I guess I'm officially retired for now but I wish I had some kind of job because I can't really afford my retirement. My wife, who is a teacher, is eligible for retirement in two years and she's counting down the days.

    Have a great Valentine's Day. Weather here in L.A. is beautiful--sunny and in the 70's.

    Wrote By Rote
    An A to Z Co-host blog

  20. Yup, totally agree on the best job thing.

    Hope your dinner plans don't get snowed under. Stay safe.

  21. Hi, Susan! I hope you might consider joining my bloggers' book club. Details are here:

  22. hope you were able to make that dinner---haha i love that quote :)

  23. Hope you had a good Valentine's Day, and that the weather didn't mess with your dinner plans!
