Wednesday, February 26, 2014


One of my fellow CPRW writers wrote a great article for our monthly newsletter. It has been almost two months since most people set their 2014 goals or maybe you dared to call yours resolutions. We know what happens to most of those.

Elizabeth Delafield suggests you don't through that list away. Redo it. Rework some dates. Revise your goals. The start of March, one sixth of the way through the year, maybe you have a better idea of how reachable those goals are.

Maybe your goal is no longer as important. Maybe you've already achieved it. Perhaps due to circumstances beyond your control, you can't meet your original time frame. Sometimes a third party interferes with your ability to meet your goal.

So take the time this weekend to adjust and reload. You can redo or rewrite those goals. They belong to you so take charge of them.

On another note, last week for the Ubuntu blogfest I wrote about Penn State's Thon that raises money for the Four Diamonds Fund that battles childhood cancers. They trended on Twitter all weekend so I hope you noticed that. Check out the pictures. One of their total raised for this year and the other one my son sent me at 2:00am Saturday from the floor. As you can see, they raised over 13.3 million this year alone.

So how are your goals going for this year? Need to reset a few? Didn't bother to set any?


  1. I think this is a good reminder about goals being revisable. I don't set yearly goals, but I do set weekly ones, and even then I have to adjust my goals sometimes!

    And they raised over 13 million dollars?! Wow!

  2. I do this all the time. I have weekly, monthly, and yearly goals that I change all the time.

  3. That's an awesome amount of money!
    I've already revised my writing goals for this year. Just not enough time.

  4. I tend to do monthly goals, and I'm constantly revising them to fit projects and whatever else is going on or coming up.

  5. Wow, what an incredible success - that's so awesome they raised so much!!!

    I'm not really a goal person, because I tend to put way too much pressure on myself already, and goals make me feel worse, not better. Someday, I'll figure out a way to organize myself with deadlines without feeling crazy about it...

  6. The whole idea of making a list of unrealistic goals at the beginning of the year, doesn't interest me.

    Instead, I focus on seasonal goals and weekly challenges. I get more done that way and it's a heck of a lot of fun.

  7. I haven't set time frame sorts of goals. I do try to write on my WiP every day. Some days I succeed and others I don't. I am getting close to finishing that rough draft. I can see that once I get there setting goals for revisions and edits would be a good idea. When you don't have Word Count to monitor your progress, it can feel like you're not actually "doing" anything.

    Yay for Thon!

  8. Never made a goal, so I don't have to bother with it, want something done I just do it and its done. Awesome amount of money too.

  9. My goals change by the day sometimes. Whatever needs to get done that day gets priority.

    The only long term goal is getting hubby retired and that's turning out to be a bigger job than I anticipated. :)

  10. I do need to go back, remind myself of personal objectives and the reevaluate where life is now. Great reminder.

  11. That's the thing about goals. If you miss them, you can always reset.

  12. So far my writing goals are going well. Balancing writing and networking, not so good. That balance is difficult.

  13. Holy crap, that's a lot of money. Amazing job. I think I'm doing pretty well with my 2014 goals, but I can strive to be more consistent. My writing is going better than it has in a long while, so I feel good about that.

  14. great fund raising! i really didn't set any goals but am trying to change things up a bit---words to ponder thanks susan!

  15. Sister #AtoZChallenge minion from another mother (AJ's Hooligans).

    I went the 'one word' route this year i/o doing the resolution thing. Of course, this did not apply to goals, always make those and revise as needed. My 'philosophy' (if you want to call it that) is that life is not set in stone, so why do that to your goals/resolutions?
