Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Z: A to Z Blogging Challenge

Welcome to another day in the A to Z Blogging Challenge. Find the entire list here. My theme this year is world-building. Mostly I’m asking questions that I believe need to be considered whether you creating a medieval fantasy world, a science fiction story or even a contemporary novel. The ideas I present aren’t in a particular order as I had to fit them into the alphabetical order needed. And don’t forget to visit the other blog I’m part of during the A to Z Challenge over at the IWSG. Now onto your world.
As you write you tale set in your unique world, you'll make adjustments to all those details you worked out ahead of time. Some you might need to change and others you simply didn't realize you'd need. Even if you don't use all the bits and pieces of world building that you've designed, it will help you feel comfortable and organized in your settings so you can concentrate on characterization instead of the type of tree your people are climbing to escape the six-legged purple elephant sized lions beneath them. That's my last advice. Don't be afraid to add a little zany.

Congratulations to making it to the end of A to Z blogging challenge. I hope it was fun and you made lots of new friends. Though you might feel a bit burnt out right now it will pass. Do something a little zany tonight to celebrate.


  1. I didn't participate in the A-to-Z challenge, but I've been following many people who did. Congrats on reaching the letter Z! I highly doubt I'd ever have the energy for a challenge like this, heh...

  2. Great advice. Even if all the world building details don't end up the finished story it will at least help in the writing process.

    LittleCely's Blog

  3. A little zany can a lot of fun. And I think I did that with my recently pubbed tale without even realizing it!

  4. you HAVE to be zany! (well, i have to be zany)

    thanks so much for visiting me every single day!!!! (you are so getting an award on reflections day)

    we did it!!

  5. Good Z word and a good reminder to not hold back in our writing, especially in early drafts. We can always tone it down later if necessary.

    Happy Z Day!

  6. Congratulations on making it through! It was great this year. I really enjoyed your posts. I agree that a little zany is fun.

  7. The cat and zany go hand and hand

  8. A sprinkle of zany makes the world go round?

  9. That's, actually, some great advice. I think so many authors get so caught up in their world building, that they forget to add fun the platypus...I mean, honestly, who could think that sort of thing up?? :)

  10. Those details are vital to making the book interesting and engaging. You've given us an excellent list. I really appreciated it.

    Here's to being a successful A to Z Challenger. You did a great job.

  11. I'm still trying to work in some of that sea kelp I studied...
    Congratulations on completing the Challenge. And for doing a fine job with the IWSG site.

  12. Great word for Z today, and great advice! Especially for a plotter like me :) Congrats, and thanks again for all you do!

  13. Good advice! I loved following your blog through this Challenge. Each post is invaluable!

    Congratulations on making it to Z!

  14. Thanks so much for your wonderful advice this year Susan, and the part about being zany tonight might just be the best advice of all!

  15. Love a little zany-need to be that way on occasion-Can't believe it is the end! Let's see about next year:) I can say a story which happens to be true is that I once hitchhike with santa Claus and we got picked up by a cowboy from Quebec-my one and only time hitchhiking

  16. We did it!
    Congrats on reaching the AtoZ finishing line!
    I've seen zany quite a few times today...

  17. Zaniness makes the best stories.
    Congrats on making it through the challenge!

  18. Can't think of anything zany to do to end the challenge. Zany. Will have to think of something.

  19. I do like being organized myself, so it does help to have details put down somewhere. It's fun to throw in something that's unexpected and different.

  20. Congrats on making it to the end! As for being zany, I tend not to outline much because I never follow it anyway. I just let the story take me where it will!

  21. The perfectly normal in an alien world is apt to be zany to us. There are some pretty zany things in this world.

    Congratulations on meeting another A to Z Challenge. You did well.

    Wrote By Rote
    An A to Z Co-host blog

  22. I'm pretty zany after this month. Maybe it's time for a little break!

    Congrats to you!

  23. Zany is good.

    Congratulations on completing the A-Z.

  24. Congrats to you, Susan. I joined in with others, so I don't feel as if it was the same. Enjoyed myself, nonetheless.

  25. Congrats, Susan!

    WE made it! YAY!

    Hope you are enjoying the weekend!

    As you can see I'm playing catch up, but having fun visiting everyone's z posts...

    Thanks again for all the wonderful advice from your theme. We all learned so much....
