Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Busy Times

Just a short post today. I'm too busy doing a final read through for my upcoming release, The Marine's Doctor, Recon Marines III.

The good news for this week is that summer seems to finally be here with hot, muggy days. I love this weather. My favorite time to run is right around noon with the temperature hanging right around 90 degrees. Then a short half hour swim to cool down. You all put up with my constant complaints this past winter. I promise I won't complain about the heat.

Thursday I'll take a day off from running so I can donate blood. I used to be able to donate and then work out later but that doesn't work for me anymore. If you're capable, giving blood is very important. The greatest demand for blood is during the summer months so let the vampires have a pint if you can.

The rest of this month is filled with graduation parties to attend and one wedding. When you get to be the age my husband and I are, you don't get many invites to weddings so we're looking forward to it.

The Budweiser Clydesdales were as cool as I expected them to be. Our little town had a great turnout to see the magnificent horses. They're really beautiful in person.

What has you busy this week? Do you like the heat or are you missing winter? Do you donate blood? Have any summer weddings to attend?


  1. Busy week of work...but that's every week. I prefer fall, but I try not to complain about weather. Although it was 90 here with a bad batch of humidity to go with it. Yep, used to donate blood, but its been a while. They always seem to do it when I'm working. No summer weddings. Already avoided one last weekend. But Ivy and I are not the most social of folks.

  2. We're to hit 99 degrees today. Yuck.

    I've only donated blood once but it was a great high. I need to do it again.

  3. I always hated summer until I moved here. This time of year in Vermont is flat out glorious. One does have to endure rainy days like today but it's never as muggy as it gets in the South.

  4. Summer beats the cold any day of the week. Nothing on the go for me, besides all the usual stuff.

  5. I'll complain about the heat for you.
    Busy with edits this week.

  6. I love summer! This week I'm busy revising a first draft.

  7. I love the Clydesdales! They are cool.

    Too busy with family stuff this week. I love summer but not this oppressive humidity. Too much too soon.

  8. I think I'm having the busiest week of my life. Scratch week. It's more like a month. How do I even have the time to type this up right now?! Take care of yourself and good luck getting that read done! :)

  9. I always knew you were crazy, Sue. Running in the height of the heat?!?!

    I'm working on edits that are killing me. So glad another installment of the Recon Marines will be forthcoming!!

  10. I complained about the NE never-ending winter. Doubtless I'll complain about the heat ahead as well. Never was a summer lover!

    ONE wedding, the first date my hubs will take me on in THREE years takes place in Sept. With 3 little kids, we obviously don't get out much - his fault, not mine. I'm all about getting out of the house!!! Now if only I could get him to agree...

  11. How can you run in 90 degree heat? I would melt on the sidewalk. I realize, however, that I'm very temperamental when it comes to temperature. I have a sweet spot of about 77 degrees for my comfort zone.

    And, yes, enjoy the wedding. Always fun to get dressed up and celebrate. :)

  12. You do sound busy. Let me know if I can help with your release. :)

    I'm adjusting to a new household schedule. I almost feel human today... I hope it holds. lol

  13. I'm pleased with the hot weather too. No complaints here!

  14. I live in Florida. It didn't get cold here. I will feel free to complain about the heat. Loudly and often.

  15. I'm busy chasing kids and cleaning the house for my stepson's visit. Fun times... LOL

    Happy Wednesday!

  16. Like you, I'm on a reading spree with my next-to-upcoming novel.

    Summer here is hot, hot, hot and windy, which makes it bearable, but for the dust.

  17. Like you, I'm on a reading spree with my next-to-upcoming novel.

    Summer here is hot, hot, hot and windy, which makes it bearable, but for the dust.

  18. i have never given blood--i was told since i had jaundice as a child i could not donate---not sure if that is still true----no weddings coming up---we just had one in may though!

  19. you can have the heat - i'll take the cool fall =)
    i have to sit and sweat at a million baseball games... but i love to support my boys! and we did our grad parties, lots of fun!

    way to go give blood! i will do that at school when it comes around again.

    happy summer!

  20. God, I hate weddings. To me, they are often a waste of good money. Plus, like Tim said we are not big into those things.

  21. I'll be honest, I am a winter lover and not a summer person :) crazy, I know. Kudos to you for donating blood, something more of us need to do. Happy Friday!!

  22. I know you are busy, but I wanted to let you know that I dedicated something to you on the Thursday post:)

  23. I envy you the Clydesdale visit! They are a spectacle, aren't they? As to the heat, I can't complain either. I love the freedom it gives you. Toes, legs, arms can all be bare and comfy.

  24. I envy you the Clydesdale visit! They are a spectacle, aren't they? As to the heat, I can't complain either. I love the freedom it gives you. Toes, legs, arms can all be bare and comfy.
