Friday, June 27, 2014

Friday By the Numbers

Just a short check in post today. I've been so busy this week I don't know where to start. The best part is except for getting my post ready for IWSG next week, I've accomplished everything I intended for the week. A few things to polish up this weekend and I'll be set.

Even with all the work I've accomplished, I spent way too many hours on Pinterest. Just to spread the procrastination fever around a bit, I found three fun things to share with you.

I'll just signed a contract for my 10th romance novel and will celebrate the release of my 9th one soon. In honor of that here's a nice article of The Five Things Every Good Romance Should Have.

I do cringe when I read a cliché line in a novel. I hope I don't use them when I speak. My husband's favorite is 'as sharp as a bowling ball' when referring to someone who has just done something not very bright. Here's a list of 12 Cliches All Writers Should Avoid.

And with the recent passing of the amazing Maya Angelou, I thought sharing this article on 17 Maya Angelou Quotes That Will Inspire You To Be a Better Person might get the creative juices flowing for the weekend.

Join me on the IWSG blog on Monday. Did you already know the five important things to have in a romance novel? Is there a cliché you use a lot or one you're really tired of hearing? Do you have a favorite Maya Angelou quote? Any great weekend plans?


  1. Congrats on signing your tenth. Pretty darn exciting. Happy Weekend and boogie boogie.

  2. Double IWSG for yo next week!
    Congratulations on signing for your tenth book! TENTH. Whoa...

  3. Congrats indeed on book 10 at your den!

  4. Wow. 10 published novels. Congrats!

  5. Congratulations!! I can't think of a specific cliche that bothers me, but there are plenty of sex-isms used in love scenes that can pull me out of the story by being cheesy or overused.

  6. Congratulations! That's awesome news. I try my best to avoid cliches but it's fun to try to put a twist on them.

  7. Aloha,

    I try to stay away from unlovable heroines like the plague :)

    Congrats on signing your newest contract (I'm very impressed :)

    PS: Let's Go TeamUSA !!!

  8. I like this one from Maya Angelou: “Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.”

  9. Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!
