Wednesday, June 4, 2014

IWSG: June Version

Thanks to the wonderful Alex J. Cavanaugh, a huge group of writers share their wisdom, woes and offer encouragement on the first Wednesday of very month. Alex started the group and a few months ago took it even further by being the driving force behind the Insecure Writer's Support Group blog. You can find the entire list of participants there. Visit and share with others navigating the same waters as you are.

Summer has nearly arrived and with it a lot of people are heading for vacation. Even if they aren't traveling, they're taking some time off from blogging. They have many reasons for blogging vacations. One blogger I know is moving. One is dealing with some health issues. A few are going away and either putting the technology to sleep for a while or do not have access to it. Some need to spend their hours working on they latest project.

Bloggers taking a break from blogging usually warn their readers rather than just disappear. And many still visit and comment on other blogs, they just don't have time to prepare their own. Sometimes they apologize to their followers for their upcoming absence. But they shouldn't.

This group is about writers. And writers need time to write and blogging can take away from that. Writers just like other workers, need time off from their career. Sometimes work must come second to family needs, recuperation, and other adult responsibilities. Take that blogging break if you need it and no need to explain to those of us in this group.

Have you taken a blogging vacation and why? Did you find it freed up time you needed for other things? Are you a member of the IWSG Facebook Page? Check out the entire list of bloggers to visit today at IWSG blog.


  1. I just got back from a break! And I wrote during that time.
    Cutting back is natural because yes, we need to time to write.

  2. I totally understand taking a blogging break. I've done it myself. I do like it, though, when bloggers mention that they're doing it, even if they don't say why - otherwise I might wonder and worry about them! :)

    Madeline @ The Shellshank Redemption

  3. Yep, I've been lax on my blog lately. But I've about been swallowed whole by this revision. Taking way longer than I anticipated. And that's been complicated, too, by other issues at home. So, yeah, the blog has been quiet for awhile. But breaks are good. :)

  4. I'm groovin' on blogging these days. Back on the 22nd I hit 144 days in a row. I'm having fun with it.

    Cheers and boogie boogie.

  5. I was set to take June off, but I sold a book, so now I'm here until who knows when.

    I do like breaks. They refresh and revitalize me. Glad I have IWSG to help me through my non-break.

  6. This is why I'm cutting down to one post a week during the summer. Heck, it may stay that way indefinitely. Got to get those words in. :)

  7. I took a break to get some writing related things in order and may take another one soon so I can actually write.

  8. Yes, I've taken a break to write and for family things. I think it's important. I love blogging, but writing is my first priority.

  9. I take breaks all the time, just no one knows it since I'm 120 posts ahead lmao

  10. Breaks can happen for any reason. We all need time to refresh or the well runs dry. My longest blogging break was when my stepson passed. I just needed the time to really consider what I was doing. But I'm really thankful for the blogging community who continued to post comments in my absence. Without them, I think it would have taken me longer to pick up writing again.

  11. I have never taken a blogging vacation during my three years, and I don't think I ever will. I have posts planned for next years already! lol But for some people, taking a break can rejuvenate them.

  12. On my blogging explanation post (written recently) I think it may have sounded like I was taking a break. Not so. I just needed to prioritize my time better and it meant that I wouldn't be putting the amount of time into blogging that I was before. That meant not making it to every post someone writes. Not writing as often myself. Not having a Thursday post like clockwork.

    The truth is that we cannot do everything successfully. A day comes when we must choose.

  13. The few blogging breaks I've taken freed up a lot of time for writing. I always tell myself I need to cut back on blogging, but I find myself still doing more! I do love it and the community, though.

  14. I take a break every year, twice a year. I tried to do it during months with low activity. Sometimes you just need to step away and get excited about it again. I never take a break from writing. I procrastinate, but never take a break. haha.

  15. Most of us respect bloggers' need to take a break at times. No need to apologise. I never have a problem thinking of what to post though some have told me this is a problem for them. If I did have trouble coming up with content, I'd definitely take a break.

  16. Breaks are important for everything, even if it's only for a day, to gain balance and clarity. They're great times to reflect and express gratitude.

  17. Thank you for the reminder, Susan!! My week off from blogging was much needed and so helpful that I'll probably do it again in July :) And yes, I'll try to stop feeling badly about it!

  18. WE ALL need a break for time to time... I find that I miss blogging too much, so I usual don't stay away too long.

    I never really inform blogger buddies of my absence. WE all know and accept that down time is essential for all of us and we surely understand this....

    I know I'll disappear for a while at some point, especially when my condo sells. HOPEFULLY SOON! I DO NOT want to spend another winter in CHiberial! LOL.

  19. Ug - this is so true. I feel awful about my lack of blogging the last months, but it does eat time from writing. Guess if everyone on here wasn't so wonderful, I wouldn'T feel quite as guilty ;)

  20. I'm so glad to see this post. I agree.

    Looking at it from the other side of publication now, I am definitely going to shift my priorities. I think it's important to visit and nurture writer-to-writer relationships, but there needs to be time for family and writing, too.

    I went on hiatus when finishing my ms and preparing it for publication. I wouldn't have gotten it done otherwise.

    Thanks for the Twitter follow, btw. New follower there and here. :)

  21. P.S. It is nice if the blogger leaves a short post saying they're taking a break. That keeps their friends from worrying and new visitors from thinking it's an abandoned blog. ;)

  22. I've been on a blogging vacation of sorts for several months. I have two guest hosts that take up the slack. I'm not sure how everyone else does it, blogs, comments, organizing book tours. I can barely keep up with the little I seem to be doing. In my defence we are trying to sell our house, so that does occupy a lot of my time. But still, I need energy.

    Sounds like we're in the same boat.

    Here's hoping your condo sells soon.

  23. I'm with you, sometimes taking a break from blogging is just necessary. I've stepped back a little just so I can have the time to complete a number of projects.
