Monday, June 9, 2014

June is For...

As a teacher for all of my adult life, June was something to look forward to. A paradise of relaxation and a chance to refuel. Never mind that the days always flew by with out door chores and transporting children to sports events, camps and outings with friends. I loved June.

This June, the first one after my first year of being a full time writer, the month slipped in with barely a notice. I already had those the out door projects finished, pool open, flowers and veggies planted and the tanbark making it all beautiful. So June is different this year.

June will be for reworking my WIP that I'm very dissatisfied with. June will be for promoting my already released books and preparing for an upcoming release. June is when I'll ask for my rights back to a book at a publisher where it has sold only a handful of copies. June is when I'll decide what to do with that novel.

Despite the hours I have to put into outside maintenance of the homestead, June is very much like any other month in the life of a full time writer. Yes, I work on the front or back porch at times because the weather is so lovely, but this month is no longer that semi-frantic joyful beginner of summer break. It's just summer. And it's fun.

June is also the month of weddings. On that note, I won't be posting on Wednesday because it is my wedding anniversary. I'll probably have time to visit you all, but no new post here. I appreciate my wonderful, hardworking husband all year long and I'll make sure he knows it that day.

I haven't shared anything from my all time favorite day planner, The Old Farmer's Almanac version, so I'm delighted to share this word.
Nephelococcygia is the word for finding a shape such as a face or an animal in a cloud.
I dare Pat to use that in one of his posts.

Do you even notice the end of school in June? Any weddings to attend or anniversaries to celebrate this month? Does the nice weather pull you outside to work or just enjoy? Ever find a shape in a cloud?

Don't forget to visit the IWSG site and pick up some useful writing information.


  1. This is the first year my daughter isn't in school. But I said to someone yesterday, it still doesn't seem like summer officially starts until school is out.

  2. Since I got out at my sea, haven't even noticed June and school,m as working 9 to 5 is the same no matter the month, blah. Hmmm use that you say, I can do that at my bay.

  3. June hasn't meant more than the start of summer for me in a long time.

  4. I was a teacher too, and that's one of the things I really miss. Summer was so awesome. But I felt we did 12 months of work in 9.5 months anyway.

    My post today was about how busy I am these days during "summer break."

  5. Post all done, runs July 31 lol

  6. Can't wait to read Pat's poem next month!
    We don't have kids, so it's just another month to us.

  7. I guess June mostly makes a big difference to students who don't go to summer school, teachers, and those in seasonal businesses. It hasn't made that much of a difference for me for many years other than my wife is off for summer vacation. When I was working, June didn't matter that much.

    I see faces in clouds, etc. I read once long ago that this was a sign of insanity. Must be a lot of us crazy people out there. I think that was a pretty dumb theory anyway.

    Tossing It Out

  8. I never knew there was an official name for gazing at the clouds. I learn something new every day. :)

    Have a very happy anniversary!

    Madeline @ The Shellshank Redemption

  9. When I was teaching, I didn't make much notice of June because it was a year round school.

    Now, I notice because my neighborhood get much louder during the day...

    Never knew there was a word for seeing shapes in clouds. Nifty.

  10. Glad this June is more relaxing for you. Hope you're able to finish revisions on your WIP.
    Anytime you need help promoting, just let me know :)

  11. Most importantly, happy anniversary. And next, thanks for the new word. Now I have to find a way to work that into a story.

    Enjoy your summer, writer.

  12. I notice now that my son isn't in preschool! We've already been to one wedding this month. Happy anniversary! I hope you and your husband enjoy your day. And I love finding shapes in clouds. :)

  13. Happy Anniversary, Susan. You have such a lovely blog. Right now there's a huge province wide teacher's strike in BC. It's on the news every day. Sad that they haven't been able to resolve the issues. And it's been raining too. So, not a good end to the school year and not very nice weather. Wish I had better news.

  14. Happy Anniversary. Very cool. What are you guys doing? Any good food?

    Sorry to read you're very dissatisfied with your current project. Hang in there, it could be worse. It could be snowing.

  15. I kinda miss the sudden rush of freedom and excitement that came with the last day of school. The trick is to capture it every day!

  16. Our school days don't finish until the very last day of June so we don't officially start summer until July. Less than 3 weeks now - can't wait!! :) Enjoy your summer!

  17. i'm catching up...

    per iwsg - i took a mini break, prob not long enough, but it is very helpful. i feel i have a solid enough base of blog friends that i can go away and come back without any damage - newer bloggers may not have that advantage and some take a looooooong break and come back then leave again... real life is the most important thing, blogging is a tool - you get what you give, so if you need a break, no one will fault you, we all need a break sometimes!

    multi-tasking - i watched a discovery channel show about multi-tasking while driving and it proved exactly the same thing - brain doesn't do it, it changes from one task to the other, not more than one at a time. NO TXT & DRV!! but at home, i take stuff with me and do stuff while waiting on other stuff, like laundry or iron to heat up - i'm ultra efficient - can't waste a moment! ha!

  18. and this post - full of summer fun!
    happy anniversary! mine is june 27 =)
    great word, which i won't try to regurgitate here... but i love it!

    and a writer's work is never done! i'm in similar spots, except the needing rights one, i need to promote my first book, get ready for release of second, and work on the next one! plus a couple short story submissions in between! let's write!

  19. Wait, it's June now?

    *checks calendar*

    Holy smokes! (kidding, I knew it was June, but we're 11 days into it already!)

    I used to look forward to Junes too. Now it's just a regular day at the office, trying to keep up. And the extra sunlight makes it tough to get the kids to sleep so I can get some writing in. One day at a time. :)

  20. Gauntlet thrown and picked up with a quickness, Sue and Pat!! lol!

    Since my Urchins are still school aged and I'm back teaching, yes June still has the meaning it did for you.
    I'm so glad you're enjoying your retirement, Sue. And Happy, happy, happy anniversary!

  21. Happy anniversary!!!

    Yes, my partner is a teacher, so we definitely notice June :) Even though my schedule doesn't change, it always feels like the start of summer vacation in our house!
