Wednesday, July 2, 2014

IWSG: July Version

Welcome to this month's IWSG post. This supportive group was started by that energetic writer and musician, Alex J. Cavanaugh. And now the group is supported by a blog all of its own and a Facebook page. Find the entire list of participants in the hop here. Try to visit a few new friends this month.

In this sometimes lonely business of writing, most of us develop online friendships with other bloggers. I can't imagine doing this without the support of the blogging community. How do you select the bloggers you follow and visit often?

I can't highlight all the blogs I love here but I'm going to give a few examples of blogs I visit numerous times per week and why.

Some blogs have a little bit of everything such as Alex J. Cavanaugh's blog. Movie reviews, promotion, support of other writers, occasional music stuff and links to other interesting sites. I almost always click on a link I find in his posts.

Some blogs have content that I find very interesting. I love science and Stephen Tremp feeds my curiosity with the variety of facts he puts together on his posts.

Some bloggers have a lot of craft advice and I learn something every time I visit. Such as Anne R. Allen's blog or L. Diane Wolf who keeps me updated on the latest industry news.

Some bloggers impress me with how supportive they are. If you want to make a friend who will appreciate your friendship in return, visit Robin. You haven't known blogger love until you appear on her Here's to You Thursday.

One of my ongoing goals that I'm not even close to reaching is to break into the short story market. Shannon Lawrence posts links to all kinds of short story markets once per week. Recently I've been sharing them with my daughter who is considering sending out some of her writing.

Then there are the blogs that make me laugh. I just enjoy them. These bloggers just have an entertaining way with words. There's Pat who prepares his posts about two light years ahead of time. Mark Koopmans gives a delightful insight into being a stay at home dad. Ivy amuses me in so many different ways I can't describe them all and she's my heroine in couponing savings. Then there's my friend, Ava Quinn, former Possum Queen. I still haven't tried those recipes.

Those are just a few of the blogs I follow and as you can see, it's for a variety or reasons. Most of them are loosely connected to writing though not all the posts are about writing. I couldn't stay active in the blogging world if the blogs I frequent weren't entertaining and fun.

What do you look for in the subject matter of blogs you decide to follow? Do you enjoy a variety or do you stick with one subject? Is there a blogger that makes you laugh? Have you visited more of the IWSG bloggers?


  1. I tend to enjoy those blogs belonging to the people who are battling with many life problems, Susan. To see how they cope often helps me to keep going.

  2. All top blogs. I think I'd go quietly mad if I didn't have like minded folk to visit.

    Moody Writing

  3. My only problem is-- so little time and so many wonderful blogs to visit. Good Post, Susan!

  4. I tend to follow mostly writing, book and reading related blogs. I find that there's often a hard to put into words connection to a blog or blogger, and that's why I return again and again. :)

    Madeline @ The Shellshank Redemption

  5. Having read blogs for so many years, I no longer read blogs that just talk about writing. They almost always repeat everything that had been said before.

    Writing experience is different because no personal experience is exactly like another.

    I'd rather read about interesting research, life lessons, or funny anecdotes.

  6. Thank you. I'm glad you find good industry updates at my blog. (Says the person who posted flower photos on Monday - oops!)

    Some people I've followed for so long, they are friends, and I'd visit no matter what.

  7. For me it isn't always content that draws me to a blog, it's usually about finding a connection with the person who writes it.

  8. Agreed! Those are awesome bloggers and I've learned so much from so many!

  9. If I had to talk about one thing, just writing, all year, pfft I'd grow very bored. So thankfully I worked it so I can post about whatever the heck I want and get away with it haha only 129 posts ahead, that is all lol

    I enjoy blogs of all kinds, but I think I enjoy blogs the most where I really get to know the people and they don't have a stick up their bum and i can make fun of them and they'll take it and dish it back out to me or the cat lol

  10. I'm with LG, for me it's usually about a connection to the blogger. I never dreamed when I started blogging that I would meet so many wonderful people this way. It's been such a gift!

  11. I love bloggers who write about their lives as it revolves around their writing pursuits. I like hearing about kids, family, work, their pets, their hobbies, etc. It kind of gives me a glimpse at their lives, makes it more intimate, kind of like I actually know a little about the author. I also LOVE cartoon blogs such as and Those artists are incredibly talented.

  12. I agree with LG and Julie, it's about the bloggers and how they interact with readers and followers. These two bloggers are both great at interaction with their readers, btw.

    There are a lot of posts about writing, but I can usually glean something from them. What do I expect if I'm following writer blogs? I also follow many blogs with great content. I like interesting posts, and love the BOTBs that a few bloggers have been hosting. (I have been wondering though, why do we have such an abundance of blogger editors?)

    Some bloggers are more generous with their books for review copies. That's a tried and true way to gain loyalty and a review. Many have never heard of a 'loss leader' - a marketing term.

    I've found participating in a group that is flexible like Denise Covey's WEP (Write Edit Publish) has been a great way to get me writing more short fiction. Enjoyed this post, Susan!

  13. I like to visit blogs that post at least three-quarters "content" and less than a quarter blog-hops and the like. I like to read about writing theory or other things directly linked to the literary field. Having an attractive blog design is important to me as well. Some blogs I simply can't read because the design is too distracting.

  14. I'm so impressed that I know most if not all of these bloggers. And you're right, it's all about helping others. What a wonderful time to be a writer.

  15. Most of the blogs I follow are writing-related in some way and I've come across them over the years, mostly from joining the AbsoluteWrite forums. But even with writing blogs, I like it when the blogger goes on a rant or a tangent and sounds like a real person.

  16. Hey, thanks Susan!!
    (And crap, sorry I'm so late today...)
    I follow a wide variety. Lots of writers, which is good, as I get lots of tips. But I follow ones that are just funny or focus on entertainment. If I click with the blog owner, then I keep going back.

  17. I love the blogging community, I wouldn't have continued blogging for so long if it weren't for all the lovely people here :)

  18. Thanks for pointing out some interesting blogs to check out.

  19. I follow any blog I find interesting. A lot are angled toward writing, but many of the blogs I follow post a variety of stuff. Thanks for sharing some blogs/bloggers worth checking out. :)

  20. I think most of the blogs/sites I follow are associated with writing and/or books - but there are others I follow or subscribe to. One of my favorites is Hooked on Houses.

  21. What's great is that all of the blogs have different themes and provide different things for their visitors. That's always wonderful.

  22. Thanks for pointing out some great blogs! I'll be sure to check them out. I love the support of other writers- it's really my only lifeline right now.

  23. The only blogs I don't tend to join are ones that are super duper heavy-handed with their adverts.

    Other than that, I go for tone of the blogger. Because it's the person that really pulls me in, rather than subject matter.

    If you look at my many blog rolls, you'll see I have a nice wide range.

    Have a great weekend and boogie boogie.

  24. I love that you've found bloggers that you identify with and enjoy. I do love visiting a wide variety of blogs--even though I may not visit on a regular basis. There are so many good ones to enjoy. What I love about blogfests is discovering new blogs. There is so much talent in the writing community.

  25. Thank you for these links. I looked for good writing, regardless of the subject matter. I am amazed how many good writers are out there.

  26. I'm so glad we have this blogging community or I would be a very lonely writer! I think I find others to follow when they return the favor and we actually communicate, whether by posting on each other's blogs or finding each other on Twitter. I've met some great people!

  27. Great post! I visit Alex regularly too. It's the only way I keep up on all the news of the writing community. Sherry Ellis, Tara Tyler, and Heather Gardner all make me laugh.

  28. There's a huge variety of blogs out there. I particularly enjoy the funny ones.

  29. I love Anne R Allen's blog and many of the others you mention. I have made many blogger friends, have met one and look forward to meeting more over the years. A very diverse community.

    I enjoy IWSG day. So many interesting posts.


  30. I tend to go for the voice of the blogger, rather than a specific type of blog. If I like what they say and how they say it I'll start following :)
    Suzanne @ Suzannes-Tribe

  31. Thanks for the shout out, Susan. As you can see I am VERY behind and I didn't put up the HERE'S TO YOU post today. I am still collecting clips, so next week will probably be a Doozy!

  32. I love visiting... connecting with bloggers... and there are a variety of great bloggers in BloggyVille.
    I enjoy different types of content, both writing and non-writing...

  33. I mostly follow other writers and a few book bloggers. It's always great to find new ones. Thanks for sharing.

  34. Aww, Sue! Why wouldn't you try 'Possum, the second white meat, sorta? Thanks for the shout out! You know I always stop over here. So the admiration is definitely mutual!

  35. Most of the blogs I follow are writing related but a few are not. I follow those that strike me in a good way and I know I'll enjoy reading. I just wish I had more time to visit them all.

  36. Those are some great blogs. The online community does help to fight the loneliness of writing. I need to look more into those short story submissions.
