Thursday, July 31, 2014

Rhyming Challenge and Wisdom

You know I like to share wisdom from my Old Farmer's Almanac planner. A few weeks ago I shared the definition of nephelococcygia which is the word for finding a shape in a cloud. As a joke, I issued a challenge to Pat Hatt at It's Rhyme Time. If you visit Pat on a regular basis, you know he throws words out there that are not in your every day vocabulary. Today Pat has picked up the glove. Hop over there and see what he came up with it. It will be good!

Some interesting news I stumbled on this week. How about this cave in Wyoming? Apparently animals fell into this death trap over the course of thousands of years. All kinds of cool but now extinct animals like mammoths landed in the bottom of this pit. Scientists expect to learn things from their DNA and even reasons why these animals went extinct and what the climate was doing during those eras.

The this week the almanac claims that blueberries slow aging. I need to eat a few more. I won't be posting tomorrow since I posted today. I'll be back on Monday. (August already.)

Do you see things in the clouds? Did you visit Pat yet? Want to know more about that cave in Wyoming? Did you have your blueberries today?


  1. Already visited Pat this morning. Great word choice. I'm sure it would be impossible to stump him though.

  2. Wow. I wasn't sure I was in the right place. You redecorated here! I like it:)

    Yes. No. Yes. No.

    I will add that you really should buy organic blueberries if at all possible. They just absorb those chemicals and are so small. My mom says that you should buy organic apples, too. Really you should buy organic everything, but it is so darn expensive. So apples and blueberries top the list.

  3. They're advertising for blueberry rakers here in Maine now so we should be seeing fresh ones everywhere soon. I'm waiting for the blackberries which will be coming in a few weeks...

    I like the new look, too :)

  4. Hi Susan - fascinating news about the studies being done on the animals in the pit - should provide lots of useful information.

    Pat - has lots going on ... the almanac possibly more - cheers Hilary

  5. thanks for the new word...and for inspiring pat's fun is pretty cool on the research done on those pits...and all we can learn from them....

  6. Yes! I eat blueberries every morning. Feeling younger already. :D

    And interesting find with all the bones. That would be a neat thing to research.

  7. Was fun to do, the cat always enjoys a challenge or two. Interesting about the animal death trap, sure they can learn a lot.

  8. That's why I love Smithsonian! They're always unearthing the coolest things. :)

  9. Lots of questions there! The cave in Wyoming sounds interesting--we love caves. There is one near Murphy, CA, with such animal death traps. My blueberries are waiting for me in the fridge.

  10. Dammit - I should've picked up that vat of blueberries at Sam's yesterday.

    I've visited a similar sink hole in South Dakota -- filled w/ mammoth bones but also newly discovered species. It was cool because while the scientists dig, they let in tourists to watch them - and by now the hole must be waaay deeper than it was when I was there. Thanks for the tip on this Wyoming one.

  11. I'm terrified of caves, but I love looking for things in the clouds!

    I'll put blueberries on the store list. :) Happy weekend!

  12. I'm pretty claustrophobic so I don't think I can ever work in pits.

  13. Have you revamped your blog? Looks different.
    I love words and learning new ones, and I love anything that rhymes!

    On the topic of clouds, I did The Daffodils with my class (I wandered lonely as a cloud...)so that's my 'cloud contribution'
    Blueberries? Does it count if I eat them in muffins?
    Off to visit Pat!

  14. I had grapes with my breakfast. Ran out of blueberries and watermelon. Boo hoo. Off to visit Pat.

  15. I'm off to get some blueberries and go nephelococcygia-ing. (I like looking at clouds.)
