Friday, August 8, 2014

Friday Wind Down

Even though I'm retired from teaching, Fridays still mean something to me. It means my husband will be home from work earlier and be around the house for the next two days. I love the guy but I don't get near as much writing done during those times. It means I'll cook more meals because at least a few of the sons will be around to eat whatever is available.

Friday is also the time to share some Old Farmer's Almanac wisdom for the week. I have two for you this week. "It is bad luck to use the word 'ice' in the name of a ship." "Life must be lived forward but can only be understood backward."

Speaking of farmers, maybe I've mentioned that I grew up on a dairy farm. Besides the massive work to do with the cows and crops, we always kept a large garden. I don't keep much of a garden but everything I plant grows like ... like weeds. What I'm trying to say is, does anyone want some cucumbers and tomatoes. I've given my neighbors baskets and still have my refrigerator full. You can take the girl off the farm but...

Enough country education. To inspire the writer in you for the weekend or the reader if you want to delve into the best epic fantasy ever, here are two JRR Tolkien quotes.

“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” 
The Fellowship of the Ring

“It's the job that's never started as takes longest to finish.” 

Do you grow any of your own veggies? Do you eat in or go out on the weekends? Do you have a green thumb? Any of the quotes suit your needs for inspiration this week? Will you be writing this weekend?


  1. My daughter is going away for her first sleep-over ever (she's 9)with my brother's family on a camping trip. I expect a call sometime around midnight. Thankfully, they'll only be 2 hours away.

    And yes, I would love some tomatoes. My gardening skills sorely lack.

    Have a great weekend.

  2. If I lived closer, I'd take some produce.
    No ice in the name because of the Titanic maybe?

  3. Those are great quotes! Thanks for the inspiration. Have a nice weekend. ☺

  4. If I ever have a boat I'll remember that lol no green thumb here I fear.

  5. Happy Friday! I'm no gardener but my wife is - a lot more flowers than veggies these days. She does grow her own herbs, though.

    I should have known better than to name my yacht Ice Ice Baby...

  6. I imagine after a lifetime of teaching, you can't help but get excited on a Friday, even retired.

  7. We had big gardens during my childhood. Weeding never seemed to end.

    Mom canned a lot, but still had to give away tomatoes and green beans.

  8. I grew up on a chicken and cattle farm. !2000 chickens, 13 cows, 1 bull, and 9 horses. My siblings and I shoved a lot of manure and spent way too much time weeding the garden. I never had a garden until my boys left home. I know, strange. But it took me that long to acquire some energy. LOL.

  9. "Life must be lived forward but can only be understood backward."

    I like that one. It's so true. And I suck at growing almost everything. I've only just now perfected the art of keeping certain plants alive and fairly happy: geraniums, a spider plant, and my mandavilla, who would be lovely if he would ever bloom again.

  10. Congrats! If you don't can, you might try offering it to a food bank or a church.

    I garden, but we've suffered grasshoppers for three years in a row. Thank goodness I have two full growing seasons here.

    They tend to die off about now and for the next few weeks so I can plant a fall garden and harvest into November.

  11. Hi, Susan,

    LOVE the quotes. I wish I lived near you, I certainly would be over for a basket of tomatoes! Nothing like fresh tomatoes for the garden...

    Yes, I have a green thumb, but with me its flowers and plants. I live i a condo and have several beauties around in my space, BUT when I had a house... WHOA, my grounds were amazing! Crape Myrtles, New Guinea impatiens, Anthuriums, Five ft. Peace lily bushes, a dozen or so, begonias, Papaya tree, Avocado tree, Cabbage palms, coconut palms, bougainvillea, night blooming jasmine and dozens of orchids.... If you can't figure it out, I lived in South Florida. LOL....

  12. Great quotes! I especially love that second one from the Farmer's Almanac...

  13. I retired from teaching this year, too.

    *clinks glasses with you*

    If I can survive the first couple weeks of not going back, I think I'll be okay. How about you?
