Friday, August 29, 2014

The Week That Was

I know many people in the USA are enjoying the unofficial last weekend of the summer. Labor Day means cookouts, a trip to the beach and the beginning of football season as well as the start of school. As a retired school teacher, I enjoy this weekend much more than I have in the past when it meant the end of summer break. The weather has been wonderful and a great preview of the lovely autumn weather ahead.

The Old Farmer's Almanac advises this: For good fortune, place salt and pepper shakers on the kitchen shelf before carrying furniture inside a new home.
Also: Don't ride the high horse; the fall, when it comes, is hard.

As a writer of romance, I found this article from BookBub interesting. Romance readers are tired of people treating their favorite genre as the 'poor relative' in the literary world. I found this article through the newsletter editor of CPRW, my local chapter of RWA. I'll introduce you to Heidi later. She just signed a very exciting contract.

And I realized that last week I forgot to include any quotes from my favorite writers. We'll go back to Tolkien today.
It is not the strength of the body that counts, but the strength of the spirit.

Some reminders. Like many other bloggers, I won't be posting on Monday. Please remember that next Wednesday is the first of the new month. So get your IWSG post ready as we step into fall. Do you have special plans for this weekend? Ever witness anyone make a painful fall from that high horse? Is your spirit stronger than your body? Ready for some fall weather?


  1. I'll just avoid horses completely.
    Not posting Monday. After a tiring week arranging things for Tina and for the IWSG anniversary next week, I might not even turn on my computer Monday.

  2. Being so far ahead, the cat is fine monday lol done iswg until feb too haha I've seen some fall off their high horse, not pretty.

  3. Since we are already posting on Monday, I don't feel bad skipping it. Maybe I can get a long stretch of writing in that day.

  4. I've already got my Motivational Monday post ready to go - we'll see who's around to read it. :)

    We might do a little grilling this weekend - will have to keep an eye on the weather, though.

    Enjoy your weekend!

    Madeline @ The Shellshank Redemption

  5. There have been times when I've mistaken the high horse for the high road. To be precise, it is not the fall that hurts so much. It is the landing. That landing is a (insert bad word).

  6. Labor Day has a way of sneaking up on me. We will be attending an Irish Feis (dance competition) to watch our gr-daughters compete.

    Where did summer go?

  7. I am not ready for fall weather. We haven't had a hot enough summer here as far as I'm concerned. However, I do look forward to the annual pumpkinfest we have around here :)

  8. I have no plans for this long weekend and it's wonderful. I'm very much looking toward autumn. It's my favorite season of the year. Have a great weekend! :)

  9. I'm ready for fall, just not winter. I love fall with its cooler temps and gorgeous foliage. I hope to spend the long weekend relaxing and enjoying the changing seasons.

  10. Hope you have a great autumn. Summer for us, really wasn't a summer but instead a nice long fall, which I'm good with.

    You have a nice Monday off. Cheers and boogie boogie.

  11. I'm making a note about the salt and pepper shakers, and off to find a low horse.

    We won't see a change in weather until Nov. Then we all do rain dances.

  12. I had a pleasant stay at home Labor Day. Ah, peace. Bring on the fall weather!

    Tossing It Out
