Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Happy Thanksgiving to you all. Even if you're not in the USA celebrating this day, I know you have things to be thankful about. Like most of you, I don't reserve this emotion for one particular day. But most of us will spend it with family, indulge in delicious food, and feel the special warmth of being surrounded by love.

Few people have perfect lives but sometimes I think I do. My husband is hard-working and loving. I have six healthy children. My two step-sons and daughter-in-law are everything I could wish for. My three sons of my own blood are successful and appreciative of everything we've done for them. My daughter is brilliant, driven and has the kindest heart of any one I've ever known. It breaks  my heart a little that she won't be home for the day, but I know she's following her dreams. It's our first Thanksgiving when we won't all be together though we knew it would happen one day.

I have a dentist appointment today and I'm thankful I can afford to go. I'm grateful I'm healthy enough to be able to shovel the snow we're supposed to get today. And that I have four-wheel drive to get to the dentist. I'm thankful for my warm house because I know there are people who aren't during the winter months.

Time to do some preliminary work for tomorrow's dinner. I know many of you won't have time to visit around today. I wish you safe travels, hot turkey, an afternoon nap and lots of leftovers.

From the Old Farmer's Almanac: A mature turkey has about 3,5000 feathers. Aren't you glad you didn't have to pluck yours?

If you have time to comment, tell us how far you're traveling. If you're not traveling, how many are sitting down at your table? Do you like the hot meal or the leftovers better? God bless you.


  1. Hi Susan .. Happy Thanksgiving .. I shall be mentally joining you and will write about a meal I recently had - unless I change my mind between now and then!

    Lovely to find out more about your family .. the step-children and your sons, while your daughter is definitely following her dreams ... she'll be with you in spirit and taking her Moroccan life in her stride.

    Good luck with the dentist and that snow ..

    3,500 feathers .. now that's an interesting fact ... not travelling, not celebrating per se .. but with you in thoughts .. have a lovely day .. cheers Hilary

  2. Sorry your daughter won't be home for Christmas. No one ha a perfect life, but like you, I lead a pretty blessed one.
    Happy Thanksgiving and see you next week for the big announcement!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving, Susan!

    It'll be an especially quiet Thanksgiving this year, but I'll be around the people and dogs I love most.

  4. My son is also missing Thanksgiving & Christmas this year, sad. Happy Thanksgiving, Susan.

  5. I love this: "Few people have perfect lives but sometimes I think I do." What more can anyone ask? You're so clearly grateful for everything in your life; it's beautiful.

    I'm not traveling - I'm hosting! A small group of family, and it's pot luck, so I really couldn't ask for more.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  6. When we each look deep inside, we all have much to be thankful for. Enjoy your weekend! :)

  7. Hahaha, on you not watching the cookery shows. Shocked I was, Susan. Shocked.

    Thinking about you a lot this week. Cheers and boogie boogie.

  8. Most of us live very blessed lives. I'm going to count not plucking all those feathers as a total blessing.

  9. That is a lot of feathers indeed. Lots to be thankful for, not sure actually having to go to the dentist is one though lol

  10. Lots to be thankful for. And now I'm thankful I don't have to pluck all those feathers. Have a wonderful holiday. :)

  11. So many things to be thankful for indeed.

    I hope you still get to enjoy your Thanksgiving even with your daughter not being home. May your family get together soon.

  12. It's always good to think about how incredibly lucky we are and how grateful we should be. I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving! :)

  13. I hope you have the happiest Thanksgiving you can being one member short. :)

  14. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
