Friday, December 12, 2014

Freezing Friday

It's not even officially winter yet and I'm freezing. I'm really not a fan of winter. I'll try not to complain on my blog like I did all last winter. No promises though.

Finished up the edits on The Warrior and the Governor. After all the rewrites and zillions of times editing it, I still cried through the one chapter. I choked myself up so I hope that's a good thing for the readers. Really made me eager to get back to the next Warrior book that I have about one quarter of
the first draft completed.

Lots of bloggers taking a break for the holiday. I haven't decided yet whether I will or won't take a break. Unless I get so cold I can't type. Whoops. Complaining already.

Wisdom from The Old Farmer's Almanac for the week.

"A wise companion is half the journey." Russian Proverb

A ring carved from mistletoe protects the wearer against illness.

A cactus plant produce a million seeds, but only one or two survive to form a new cactus.

As we enter the holiday season, I thought a little wisdom from The Bard might fit the wonders of being with family and friends.
Fortune brings in some boats that are not steered. William Shakespeare

And this one.
Prosperity is full of friends. Euripides

I'll be finished up some Christmas shopping this weekend (still haven't found my new planner for 2015) and writing. Drinking lots of coffee and spending at least an hour a day on the treadmill. Would rather be jogging outside those darn temperatures ... you know where I was going with that.

Ever have a ring carved from mistletoe? Are you taking a break from blogging for the holidays. Why does blogger keep turning on word verification (number verification) when I have it turned off? Are you feeling prosperous for the holidays?


  1. Re: word verification
    It's just a glitch. You can comment without doing the verification.

    Enough people will complain to blogger and it'll go away after a while. Last year it was the embedded comment box that prevented me from commenting.

    Re: break
    Since I'm only blogging once a week, I'll probably continue that schedule.

    Re: cold
    I hear ya! I've never liked the cold. And I'm a bigger wuss now that I live in Texas. LOL!

  2. I love when I get so emotional writing a chapter, and I always hope the reader will feel at least some of that, too.

    Stay warm! :)

  3. Hi Susan .. don't worry re WV - doesn't work and doesn't matter and Blogger are working on it apparently. I wouldn't bother to change over to embedded comments ... but that does get rid of it .. I did.

    Good luck with the writing .. but enjoy the family time ... and as for cold -that's further north at the moment .. cheers Hilary

  4. If your fingers get too cold to type, turn up the heat.
    Monday will be my last post of the year. I'll still be lurking but I will take some time to completely unplug.

  5. Congrats on finishing your edits. Woohoo. Hope your fingers don't get so cold that you can't type.

    PS: Happy Weekend.

  6. I'm not taking any sort of official break; I'm just having difficulty keeping up. Yikes!

    Seems like every aspect of my life is suffering from this affliction (inc. my WiP and my as-yet to be started rough draft for the second novel)... My mother says nearly daily that I need to plant the onion sets or we might as well throw them out. And still... the book remains untouched, the blog is neglected, and the onion sets are in the bag. Maybe this afternoon for the onion sets????

  7. I can't turn the wretched word verifiction off! Only just returned to blogging after Google took over Picasa and removed all my photographs and ruined my blog. So shall keep going :0)

  8. I'd never heard about the mistletoe ring. What an interesting bit of information. Loved the Shakespeare quote. I'm on one of those un-steered boats!

  9. Blogger is being stupid with the wv on many blogs. Break? What's that? lol the cat won't write much I bet, but it will still look like he does. hate winter to at my zoo

  10. It's pretty cold here in NY, too.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    Stay warm!


  11. Not feeling prosperous, sadly, not taking a break, and boy do I hear you on Winter. We are just not friends anymore.

  12. I think I've been freezing since October.

    A scene that makes you cry is always good. That word verification thing is weird. It's been popping up a lot more lately. I'm starting to think something is up with Blogger.

  13. I'll be taking a break the last two weeks of December because my little guy is off school. And I'm prepping for a big month of marketing in January! That word verification thing comes on and off on mine too. Such an annoying bug! Have a good weekend. :)

  14. I'll be taking a break after the 19th until IWSG January . . . although I might put something up for January 1st.
    We had a cold snap here for about a week and now we are back to dampness . . . our usual Christmas weather - some rain, some drizzle, and some "dry" moments between when the sun comes out in all its gorgeousness. Then, we have the damp again. Anyway, enough complaining . . back to writing. :)

  15. That's so cool that you wrote a chapter that touched you so emotionally.

    I'm not officially taking a break, I just can't seem to find the time to get back to my blog! Sheesh. (Those blue haired old ladies are slave drivers)

    Have a wonderful Christmas, Sue!

  16. Grrr, I ended up switching to the embedded comment box until they remove this word verification. It's irritating that the settings show it as being off.

    I'm not a huge fan of the cold, either. I love hiking and walking, but the cold can be prohibitive.
