Friday, April 10, 2015

I: Insecure Writers Guide to Publishing and Beyond

My theme for the A to Z Blogging Challenge this year is a mishmash of books, movies, writers and TV shows that have in one way or another taught me something about writing and helped me be a better writer. Some inspired my own stories and a few taught me what not to do. Each post is a one minute lesson on writing. And take a moment to stop over at the IWSG blog for some April inspiration.

I feel very privileged to be a co-host of the IWSG blog. I've been part of this monthly posting group started by Alex J. Cavanaugh, the Ninja Captain, since the start. Last year, Alex had the idea to put together a nonfiction book that would be compilation of posts by the groups' members. Out of his idea and lots of hours of work by my fellow co-hosts, the writing book, The Insecure Writer's Support Group Guide to Publishing and Beyond. Inside this FREE book, you find not only inspirational support but also a section on the
craft of writing and publishing, and a section on marketing and promotion. How do you write a blurb or a query? How do you make a header for your blog? What are some ways to promote that you haven't tried yet? And did I say it's FREE? The reviews are overwhelmingly positive. I learned so much in the making of this book and also refer to parts of it where I found out to do some things I previously had thought too complicated or time consuming to try.

Lesson: Nearly every writer had learned something valuable to be shared with others. Some of the people you meet and make friends with blogging, are actually experts in some areas. If you belong to a thriving and growing community like IWSG and you have a question, someone in that group will know the answer. Never pass up a free reference book.

"Creative activity can be described as a type of learning process where teacher and pupil are located in the same individual." Arthur Koestler

"I am not young enough to know everything." Oscar Wilde

Are you a member of IWSG? Do you take advantage of free reference books? Do you have an online community you can go to with questions? Do you remember being young enough to know everything?


  1. My friend has that quote: I'm not young enough to know everything
    and I've always thought how true this is.

  2. I'm not a member of IWSG, but congratulations on the completion of such a massive undertaking. :)

    Alex Hurst, A Fantasy Author in Kyoto
    A-Z Blogging in April Participant

  3. Ooh, grabbing this book for sure, thank you. Always, always up for more advice on this business :).
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

  4. Doesn't Oscar Wilde just nail it? He might not have needed this book...but I do! Thanks for the link and to everyone who made the book possible.
    Sue at CollectInTexas Gal
    AtoZ 2015 Challenge
    Minion for AJ's wHooligans

  5. It was a massive undertaking, but we pulled it all together. So much good information in that book.

  6. A great collection of info indeed that took seed

  7. The IWSG is great indeed. And the book is a fantastic reference.

    Annalisa, writing A-Z vignettes, at Wake Up, Eat, Write, Sleep

  8. The IWSG is an awesome group. I'm proud to be a part of it. The book is fabulous!

  9. IWSG is great and the book is a wonderful reference! I think my know-it-all phase occurred at age 15, but even then I didn't know it all. I just pretended. :)

  10. Yay for ISWG! This book is awesome!!!

  11. LOL I do remember being that young. Great quote.
    And I feel so lucky to be part of the IWSG! Such an amazing community that just keeps getting better and better.

  12. Sounds like a great book. How does one join IWSG?

    1. Just follow the link to the page and clink on the list page. Then join the fun on the first Wednesday of every month. It's a great group and there's some exciting stuff in the plans.

  13. I think the ISWG is a great group! I'm not part of it because I don't consider myself a writer, but I do have a board I can check out in my own field that I can keep abreast of things so to speak :)


    1. It's not a difficult group to be a part of. Just post on the first Wednesday of every month.

  14. I enjoyed being a part of this book and the IWSG. Excellent group of people.

  15. Young enough to know everything - LOL Yes, and I'm surprised my mother survived those years.

    The IWSG is such a great group.

  16. I have my copy. I should review a few chapters today when I have a little free time.

  17. That is the key is to always ask for help-don't let pride get in the way. That book is very helpful to writers everywhere

  18. I'm not part of the IWSG, but I know some very talented writers who are! Will have to look into this...

  19. What a neat idea! I'll have to check it out :) Writing and sharing it with others is always inspiring!

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    Multicolored Diary - Epics from A to Z
    MopDog - 26 Ways to Die in Medieval Hungary

  20. Wow! It has a lot of useful thing in it!

  21. IWSG is one of the best writers groups I've ever been in. Maybe we could run it by Alex and ask if we could have an IWSG Conference? xD

    Elizabeth Mueller
    AtoZ 2015
    My Little Pony

  22. I've been seeing a lot of bloggers mention IWSG today, and no wonder! And that book is free, too? Wow, such a great deal, for sure!

  23. Sounds like a great resource. I will certainly check it out. Thanks for sharing.
    *Shantala @ ShanayaTales*

  24. It's a really excellent book with tons of advice. I was happy to be part of it.

  25. Hi Susan - the ISWG has been a great idea .. and the Guide is amazing - I treasure all the knowledge so many of the bloggers have and are willing to share .. cheers Hilary

  26. Are you a member of IWSG? YES.
    Do you take advantage of free reference books? YES.
    Do you have an online community you can go to with questions? The IWSG.
    I'm honored to be a part of the IWSG, and proud to work alongside such a great bunch of admins.

  27. I loved being a part of this book!
    I find inspiration in its pages!

