Monday, April 20, 2015

Q: Quotations

My theme for the A to Z Blogging Challenge this year is a mishmash of books, movies, writers and TV shows that have in one way or another taught me something about writing and helped me be a better writer. Some inspired my own stories and a few taught me what not to do. Each post is a one minute lesson on writing. And thanks for also keeping up with the A to Z Challenge posts on the IWSG blog where we're sharing an alphabet's worth of inspiration and encouragement.

At a recent writer's meeting, one of my friends said they'd like to be more active on Twitter but they just didn't any idea what to say. They didn't want to just go on and spam their book. What to share? I like to share links to other blogs or articles of interest but some days I share a quote that I like for one reason or another. My regular readers know I have shared quotes from The Old Farmer's Almanac but I have to come with more than those. I often browse through those clearance shelves at BAM and B&N, looking for reference books I can use. (Like I need more books, but I can't resist.) One of the cheap books I picked up months ago is Classic Quotations. It's filled with amusing, inspiring and provocative quotes from historic and
contemporary people of fame and infamy. I mentioned on 'A' day that The Art of War by Sun Tzu is also a great place to harvest a few good quotes. Or you can just google quotes from a movie, a book, a person and find something you'll probably like and can use to fill your blog or make your Facebook or Twitter feed interesting and perhaps a start of a conversation.

Lesson: Quotes make great conversation starters on social media. Adding quotes inform your readers a little bit about you by what you select. Sometimes clever people say things that you completely agree with but they say it so much better than you can. Use their words with proper credit to them. Only use quotes, not an entire passage or poem. That's usually illegal.

This quote is for me as I push myself to exercise every day.
"Time is a dressmaker specializing in alterations."  Faith Baldwin

But I'm not really upset about aging but The Bard says it better.
"With mirth and laughter let old winkles come."  William Shakespeare

And for all us getting so much out of A to Z this month.
"The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can teak it away from you."  B.B. King

Do you ever use quotes on your social media feeds? Are you learning some things from A to Z? Do you troll through the clearance sections at bookstores? Do you sometimes re-tweet quotes that hit a cord with you?


  1. My favorite aging quote is by Mark Twain. ”Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” - Mark Twain

    Maui Jungalow

    1. I'm taking Twain's quote to heart. My mind needs to work harder some days.

  2. I like to quote from books, from people who know one heard of... my favorite quote I have been using is just below...

    Jeremy [Retro]
    AtoZ Challenge Co-Host [2015]

    There's no earthly way of knowing.
    Which direction we are going!

    Come Visit: You know you want to know if me or Hollywood... is Nuts?

  3. I love quotes, and I have a couple of books of quotes (from the clearance aisle!). But I also like it If people quote from their own books, if they're particularly memorable quotes.

  4. I love quotes, and I have a couple of books of quotes (from the clearance aisle!). But I also like it If people quote from their own books, if they're particularly memorable quotes.

  5. I'll have to try some quotes. Usually I just share others' Tweets.

  6. I love quotes--someone in the blogosphere mentioned keeping a journal with nothing but quotes she loved--I'm going to have to try that.

  7. I have a lot of self-help/motivation books and I can always find a great quote or two in each of them.

  8. Quotes can be fun, but I tend to avoid Twitter accounts which are nothing but quotes. I think balance is the answer and you sounds like you have it down pat :).
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

    1. I follow a few twitter accounts that are just quotes. I enjoy having the mix.

  9. Quotes work well indeed. I have a little cheat I use that sends out a bunch of blogs I follow, including yours haha gets me lots of views and helps others too, win win

    1. I can only wish to get as many views as you get every day. I don't know how you keep up.

  10. I love quotes and like to post my favorites on my Facebook page. :)

  11. nothing like quotes from "Panchatantra

  12. I personally love inspiring quotes. Oftentimes, I see the right one at the right time. Funny how that works.

  13. When I was in high school, I started compiling quotes and put them in a notebook. In college, I had to buy another notebook. But, it's been years since I've added to them... Though I still love to page through occasionally.

  14. A good quote can pull me out of a rut. :)

  15. I will use Scripture quotes from the Bible but rarely quotes from other sources :) I try to stay away from bookstores, LOL; they have a way of calling to me to purchase, purchase and then purchase some more :)


  16. I love good quotes and when I'm blogging in my normal fashion I like to include a quote for the day at the end of my posts. I try to tie that into the theme of the post whenever possible.

  17. Quotes are always fun. And I enjoy the ones you choose from The Farmers' Almanac.

  18. Hi, Susan, I've like quotes for ages. Using them as part of my A-Z this year, in fact.

  19. Great quotes! The Art of War is definitely chock full of quotable lines.

  20. I've read The Art of War, and yes, it has a lot of quotable lines! I enjoyed the book, and it gave me a few new insights too.

    My latest post in the Blogging A to Z Challenge.

  21. I have used quotes now and then. I don't do much on Twitter. I like quotes and have quite a collection of them. I created a few quotes as well--things and phrases I say a lot.

    Sia McKye Over Coffee

  22. I LOVE Quotes! But u know that already as you are following my AtoZ posts. :) So, here's something you may not know - Yes, I troll clearance sections at bookstores- much to the annoyance of my better half. He says the only positive about that situation is that Books are my ONLY obsession. No fancy clothes, shoes, perfumes for me. Books forever!
    *Shantala @ ShanayaTales*

  23. I love love LOVE quotes!

    Good luck with the A to Z Challenge!
    A to Z Co-Host S. L. Hennessy

  24. I don't use quotes. Most of the quote-users I've stumbled across on Twitter don't have much else to say, and it's not very engaging. However, that doesn't mean a well-placed quote isn't amusing :)

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I love sharing quotes that hit my chord! As for tweeting, I need to be a better little blue birdy and visit my nest there!

    Elizabeth Mueller
    AtoZ 2015
    My Little Pony

  27. "We don't need no stinkin' guns." ~ Blazing Saddles

  28. I've never really used quotes. I worry about the time taken to find a good one, but these are good tips.

  29. I love seeing and reading quotes for they can be quite inspiring!

  30. One of my favorites...
    "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel" - Maya Angelou.
    And this one...
    "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" - Confucius

  31. No Twitter or Facebook for me, as of this writing.

  32. Movie quotes. Song lyrics. TV lines.
    My head is full and sometimes I need to spout.

