Thursday, April 30, 2015

Z: Zombies

My theme for the A to Z Blogging Challenge this year is a mishmash of books, movies, writers and TV shows that have in one way or another taught me something about writing and helped me be a better writer. Some inspired my own stories and a few taught me what not to do. Each post is a one minute lesson on writing. Don't forget to visit IWSG for our last inspiration post of the Challenge.

Zombies have been popular off and on over the years. A few shows and movies have tried to make them light-hearted creatures who are trying to fit into the world without eating people. But the most successful zombie creations have the flesh eaters as the mindless bad guys. Even when there is humor like in Zombie Land, the
zombies are terrible beings. World War Z tried to bring the possibility of a zombie apocalypse to the big screen with mediocre success. The biggest zombie success has to be the TV show, The Walking Dead. It's a dark, violent show with lots of desperation, loss and a showcase of survival instinct. Anti-heroes shine in the FX production. Online quizes pop up now and then where you can gage your chance of surviving the coming apocalypse.

Lesson: Apocalyptic story lines will always have be somewhat popular to readers. People enjoy speculating on how they would survive a world-wide disaster and therefore will enjoy watching your characters try to make it if you make it realistic. The zombie popularity in novels burned bright for a very short time  and then fizzled. Don't try to write to fads. You'll always be behind.
Here's some quotes from the world's most popular redneck.

Daryl Dixon: Peanut butter and jelly, diet soda, and pig's feet. That's a white trash brunch right there.

Jimmy: I want a gun. Daryl Dixon: And people in hell want slur-pee.

If you haven't had a chance to check this out yet, you should. You know you want one. A to Z's very own talented co-host, Jeremy Hawkins designed a survivor T-Shirt. You've survived the Challenge and now should reward yourself. Isn't it cool? Order yours right here.

Starting on Monday and continuing all next week, May 4th-8th, please write a reflections post about your experience this year during the A to Z Blogging Challenge. What was good? What could be better? Any really cool blogs you found and will love forever? Then add your link after you post to the linky list. Make sure the link goes directly to your reflections post. I'll have my post up on Monday but I'm taking a blogging break between now and then.

Do you think people like apocalyptic tales because they think we're heading for an extinction event? Are you a Walking Dead fan?  Have a different favorite zombie movie, show or book? Ever have the meal Daryl mentioned above?


  1. And we've reached the end!
    People fear Judgement Day, which is why apocalypse stories are so popular.
    And my favorite zombie flick is Zombieland. Always remember to double-tap!

  2. Love the Walking Dead and Daryl.

    1. Daryl is the best part of the show. I liked the early seasons best.

  3. Couldn't agree more about what you said about fads--no point in trying to keep up with them.

  4. It's crazy because I know how popular The Walking Dead is, but I just can't bring myself to watch it. Something about zombies really freak me out. Silly I know. One of these days I need to get my big girl pants on and watch at least the pilot episode.

    1. The first two seasons are the best and it is a dark show.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I'm not a zombie fan, but I've watched a few episodes of Walking Dead and thought it was well done. My favorite zombie movie was World War Z. It was so brilliantly conceived and plotted.

    1. WW Z didn't do as well in theaters as I thought it would.

  7. Big TWD fan, especially of the earlier seasons. Looking forward to the summer spin-off. :)

    Well done on completing the A-Z Challenge, Susan!

    1. I'm going to check out the spin off too. Hoping it's good.

  8. Heck Yes, we find ourselves in the end... which way to turn?

    "Z" we made it... thank you!
    Jeremy [Retro]
    AtoZ Challenge Co-Host [2015]

    There's no earthly way of knowing.
    Which direction we are going!

    Come Visit: You know you want to know if me or Hollywood... is Nuts?

  9. I love apocalyptic story lines, but I'm not a fan of The Walking Dead...

  10. I used to be a fan of post apocalyptic and apocalyptic story lines, but I find as I have become older I like them less - no idea why :). I'm not a fan of the Walking Dead - it's too dark for me. I prefer shows with at least some hope :) My favourite zombie movie is Warm Bodies - I loved it.
    Thanks for all the wonderful posts through April.
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

    1. I never watched Warm Bodies. I prefer my Zombies totally mindless.

  11. Yay, another zombie lover. Love World War Z and Walking Dead. And every other zombie film and movie haha.

    Congrats on making it to the end of the A to Z Challenge!
    A to Z Co-Host S. L. Hennessy

  12. Seems like everyone I know loved The Walking Dead. I thought I'd never cave, but on Black Friday last year I bought the first two seasons (really good prices). I binge watched them. That show is awesome! Now I've got to find a good deal on Season 3 or hope for one on Black Friday this year. Seems like a long wait to me!

    Congrats on finishing the A to Z!

  13. Enjoy The Walking Dead indeed at my feed. Dawn of the Dead and Zombieland are my favorite zombie movies

    1. Zombieland is a favorite here. Even my husband enjoys it and he usually doesn't like any show with anything of the supernatural in it.

  14. You can't have Z without Zombies! They're my favorite monster.

    Congrats on surviving the challenge! :)

  15. i did manage to survive, thanks for stopping by my blog, your posts were interesting, great

  16. Congrats on Z end! And that's a cool t-shirt!
    Random factoid: a neighborhood kid I grew up with works on Walking Dead . . . not as an actor, but as a behind the scenes kind of guy. (He was an art major)

  17. I am a Walking Dead fan but honestly more for the psychological aspect than for the gore (I don't handle gore well). Zombies are not my favorite monsters. :)
    Congrats on finishing the challenge! And thank you for the visits. I really enjoyed your theme, and added some thing to my TBR list :)

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    Multicolored Diary - Epics from A to Z
    MopDog - 26 Ways to Die in Medieval Hungary

  18. I enjoyed finding out what you learned from all of these sources. Good idea, Susan. Great that we both crossed the finish line. I feel quite relieved.

  19. I think people like the apocolypse stories because they DON"T believe it could really happen! Great job on the A to Z and making it all the way through! I've really enjoyed your theme and am happy I found it. See you during reflections, and after! Lisa, co-host AtoZ 2015, @

  20. J here, stopping by from the #atozchallenge - where I am part of Arlee's A to Z Ambassador Team.
    Welcome to "Z-day"! (Time to watch the iZombie television series?)
    Hope to see you at the after party. I'm looking forward to when the Reflections Linky List opens on Monday May 4th.
    Daryl is great.
    -J @JLenniDorner

  21. Great end to a great month. Put your feet up for a few days!
    Keith's Ramblings

  22. Whoo! Zombies! They'll always be one of my favorites. The Walking Dead certainly has its moments, although it probably isn't the absolute best zombie feature out there. We could have a whole debate about that :)

  23. I LOVE the Walking Dead. I got started on the series when I was laid up in the hospital and Season 2 was about to begin and they were showing a Season 1 Marathon. I was hooked immediately. And I never considered myself to be "into" zombies. I love that show because it makes you think how you would react and act in case of any type of disaster where survival is key.
    Thanks for all your hard work in co-hosting. It's been a great ride. This is my second year and I'm sad that the Challenge is ending but I have discovered so many fabulous blogs and made some great new friends!
    All the best,
    Michele at Angels Bark

  24. I'm a fan of zombies, but I don't keep up with much of the most recent zombie trends. I think that in a sense we as humans are somewhat intrigued with the demise of society and everything else on this earth as we know it. A death wish perhaps?

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Join us on May 4 with your post of Reflections about this year's A to Z.
    Tossing It Out

  25. I never saw The Walking Dead, but I hear a lot of people like it!! Congrats on finishing A/Z :) A job well done!! Your theme was a good one and enjoyed reading your posts :)


  26. "Don't write fads. You'll always be behind." You know, that is a catch 22; It's like applying for a job in which you've earned your masters degree but wont qualify because you need to have a year or 2 experience behind you.

    Just how do authors find themselves in the in, anyway? Is it like the pyramid job? The top honchos get all the glory while everyone below them scrambles about? Politics, politics, politics. Ugh... :P

    Elizabeth Mueller
    AtoZ 2015
    My Little Pony

  27. Zombies .. I dont know if they really exists or not.. But they give me goosebumps..

  28. More Zombies, obviously a great choice for letter Z. Love the T-shirt. Very, very cool. Hope I finally finish the challenge tomorrow , a day late, so I will be worth of this awesome shirt (I already placed my order). I will finish the challenge. I promise. I have to, I have to see who solves my A to Z crime fiction murder mystery. Whew, I am worn out and spent, but it has been fun meeting so many new bloggers and learning so many odd, unique and interesting things.

  29. Hi Susan .. the A-Z will be overrun with Zombies if we're not careful. People like to escape .. I can't say they're my favourite subject ...

    I really don't want to dream zombies ... I'll zone out now - cheers Hilary

  30. We have similar Z posts. I love The Walking Dead and have a deleted scene for my Z post.

  31. My favourite zombie movie is Shaun of the Dead. I like a little comedy with my horror. Congrats on completing the Challenge!

  32. Congrats on reaching the A to Z finishing line, Susan!
    This time round, I didn't really visit as many blogs as I'd have liked to...
    See you next year for another month of "alphabet madness"!

  33. Congrats on making it to the finish line!! I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts after this, Susan. :) Thanks so much for all of your comments on my blog as well... I'm sorry I didn't visit you in turn as much as I should have. I thought you were in my Bloglovin', and it turns out you weren't! :( Rectified, now. :)

  34. I used to have trouble sleeping, until my doctor asked what I watched on TV before retiring. LOL. Apparently that has something to do with insomnia. Go figure. Congratulations on finishing the challenge. That is big. As for zombies, I'm staying clear of them prior to bedtime.

  35. Hey Susan! I am just blitzing through for the A-to-Z Roadshow. I really enjoyed reading your posts for the challenge. They were inspirational and informational! I really loved the lessons each day on writing. I did the challenge over at Promptly Written. My new blog is The Rattling Bones. I signed up for your email list and look forward to your posts. See you next April! ~Lori~
