Friday, June 26, 2015

Friday Finally

Still waiting for that plumber. Everything cleaned up but one bathroom out of use until he gets here. It's not a job I would want, but plumbers are really in demand and make good money. Probably because we become so desperate for their help, we're willing to pay anything. He promises to be here Saturday, nine days after our first call.

Last week, Spacerguy honored me with the Creative Blogger Award. Thanks Spacerguy. It means a lot when someone with such a cool blog recognizes me this way. Spacerguy blogs about Star Trek and other things sci-fi related. His posts are always interesting.

The rules:

1. Thank the award-giver.
2.Share 5 facts about yourself
3.Nominate 10-20 bloggers for the award.
4. Pass on the rules.

So many of my friends are on blog hiatus for the summer or have been named by one of my other friends for this award, that I'm not passing it on at this time. I reserve the right to name you all at a later date.

Five things about me you might not know. (This part always makes me think I'm a boring person.)

1. I have an incredible green thumb. If I plant it, it grows and grows and grows. Don't know why.
2. Though I have degrees in Health and Physical education with a science minor, my true academic love was always math. Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, they all just made sense to me.
3. There are 3 bars in our small town. If my husband and I go into any one of them, one of our former students buys us a drink. Whether we want it or not.
4. I named my boys, David Michael, Michael James and James David. Good old fashioned Biblical names and if I had to yell at them, I knew I'd get at least part of the name right. Except for when I called them by the dog's name.
5. My family never went on vacation when I was growing up. I was eighteen the first time I went to the beach with a friend.

Do you know Spacerguy? How long have you waited for a plumber or repairman? How old were you when you first saw the ocean? Ever call your kids by the wrong name or have your parents do that to you? Don't you love math? It's so logical.


  1. NICE
    new post:

  2. I too was nominated with Creative Blog Award, does that mean you can show it on your blog or is it just as iot says"Nomination?"
    Congrats on your award well deserved.
    Hope the pluummer turns up soon.

  3. I guess they know they are in big trouble if you say the dog's name.
    Hope the plumber gets there soon.
    Congratulations on the award. Spacerguy is a cool dude.

  4. Love your boys names! We never went on true vacations either. We'd go visit family and that included some trips to Arkansas.
    Life & Faith in Caneyhead

  5. LOL! I love #4!

    Sorry you're still waiting on the plumber. Greg is a jack of all trades so he fixes everything around the house. Good for saving money, but there'll come a time when it'll be easier to hire someone. We're not getting any younger. :)

  6. Eek on the plumber's delay!

    I like good, solid names like that. I tend to go for more "old-fashioned" names when creating characters, even the younger ones. Maybe because of my own name? :)

  7. That is a long time not to see a beach. lol mixing them up with the dog's name, I had that done to me once or twice.

  8. Would you and your green thumb like to come save the tomato plants in my garden?

  9. Plumbers are the hardest to get. I found out someone who I went to high school is a plumber and I am saving his number. I have gotten all sorts of repairmen out to the house. And I can say from experience, good plumbers are difficult to find.

    Congrats on the award. I love the names and the dog being called at times. There is a lot of truth to when mama ain't happy, nobody is happy. Take care. Good list.

  10. The name bit made me laugh. They're like little chain links. :) Very cute.

  11. Congratulations on the award! :)

    I like how you named your sons.

    Oh, mom would mix up my name with one of my two sister's names. We always laughed about that.

  12. Congratulations on the award!!! I love your name choices.
    And, wow - not going on vacation until 18, that would be tough, I think. It's interesting how our experiences shape us our expectations, though, isn't it? I used to think that a "real" vacation included an airplane ride since my dad worked for an airline and we flew free-ish at least once every two years and then had hotel discounts via the airlines, too. Now, I'm married to a guy who would rather drive everywhere.
    And whoa - nine days for a plumber. That's terrible. I think the longest I've waited is two days without any running water . . . not fun.

  13. I like the name of your boys. I do agree, good Biblical names and really good solid names for business, etc. Some names these days are just weird.

    If I had to do it over again, I would be a vet or a plumber. They both get paid up front and both are needed services. I hope your plumber does show up tomorrow!


  14. Creating such an awesome interest in Science Fiction takes real skill and talent. Yours is special because you spice it up with romance, lol. Its a true pleasure seeing bloggies passing on good vibrations to you Susan, Enjoy!

  15. Still? Oh man, that stinks. I can’t believe you didn’t go to a beach until you were 18. Such a shame!

  16. Congrats on the award! My dad sometimes gets me and my sister muddled up, but it was mainly the teachers at school - I was forever being called Sarah. We don't even look alike. Hope the plumber finally manages to get to you tomorrow!

  17. Sorry for your plumbing issues. No fun. Having a little septic problem ourselves. Ugh. There are things in life that just need to know, the roof, the furnace, tires on the and septic. Dealing with them is just, well, bla.

  18. How often do you go on vacation now? We didn't really do vacation either. We'd go to local places to hike sometimes. Other than that, we stuck close to home. Now my husband and I go on at least a weekend trip once per year, even if it's just up to Estes Park. I wonder if my kids will go the opposite way and never travel with their families?
