Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Mish Mash, I Have to Dash

I'm busy working on the final edits for the reissue  of Keepers of Sulbreth. I was worried they'd arrive in my inbox next week when I'm on vacation. So I'll be working on them diligently between now and Monday. I considered not blogging today, feeling I didn't have anything to share today. And
I don't have much but some of my friends do.

Ramona DeLong will be our guest next Monday on the IWSG blog but this well known writing professional is also teaching a class in August titled Necessary Parts. It's a two week online course directed at creating log lines, query paragraphs, short and long synopsis. I can personally vouch for Ramona's expertise.

Yesterday, the always clever Patricia Stoltey shared her take on the frenzied advances of technology and how she's putting her foot down. Visit her and share where you'll feel like you just can't keep up anymore. I have to agree with her about the people walking around with staring at their phones.

I stumbled on another entertaining post about technology by Alan Tucker on Emblazon. And in case you don't know what little boys are made of (snips and snails), Alan will answer that question.

Also, I took a picture to share with you what my daughter brought me back from Oman. I told her over and over again not to purchase gifts. College students need to watch their money. As you can see, she made wise choices. A Borders bag for nostalgia and a little camel magnet to keep me
company in my office. It's perfect.

And now some wisdom from the Old Farmer's Almanac.

To keep  jewelry from tarnishing, place a piece of chalk in the jewelry box.

"You grow up the day you have your first real laugh--at yourself." Ethel Barrymore

Did you find some agreement with Patricia? Did you know what a 'snip' is? Have you taken any online classes? Are you pretty confident about writing the 'Necessary Part' before you submit something?


  1. Hope all goes well with your edits..........don't work too hard though.

  2. Finish those edits!
    People staring at their phones is even worse when they are driving.

  3. Best with your edits. And have great time on your vacation!

  4. I still can't believe Borders still exists anywhere. I'm still mad at them for taking Waldenbooks down with the ship.

    1. I had a Waldenbooks and Borders close to us. It's sad to go into a big mall and have no bookstore.

  5. Good luck with your edits! Your daughter made good gift choices. :)

    Missed Patricia's blog yesterday. Will read today....

    1. She is a smart shopper and having a luggage weight limit helps.

  6. I love new technology but I have to admit I get pretty annoyed by how some people are so addicted to their devices. Kids and their games and texting, people looking at their phones instead of where they're going...I can only shake my head and wonder what this will all look like in another 20 years.

    I did not know what a snip was and I have taken on-line courses before thru Coursera, which was free and interesting. I still have all my notes from Astrobiology :)

    1. And it's not just kids. I see lots of people glued to their phones.

  7. Borders is still around? Hopefully the edits go easily. Technology is good, some people using it are pathetic.

    1. The Borders' bag came from Oman. Long way to go to shop at a bookstore.

  8. Good for you for working on the edits ;) That is a cute magnet with the camel :)


  9. I love the idea of Ramona's online class. I'll look into it, but we're finally taking a family vacation in August - probably the only getaway-time this year. Best of luck with completing your edits!

  10. That's a cute magnet - what a great tiny treat!
    Technology is wonderful in some moments and terrible in other moments. I loved getting an e-mail the other night about have a couple of tiny hint fiction stories accepted for publication - and I was in a movie theater (we got there 20 minutes before the previews and yes, I turned off my phone before we got to that part). I love technology in moments like that.
    But other times, it bugs me when I see the same people overuse it again and again - and by overuse meaning - the phone is never off, or muted, or tucked away. Mine get shut off, muted, and tucked away for most hours (even when I'm at home). My kids are only allowed so much time on their screens - although I know we horrify other people on road trips because they aren't allowed to use their phones/devices/data in the car but they avidly use wifi when we stop at road side restaurants (which makes others think they are on their screens constantly). We had a rule - "before the food" at restaurants, and "for ten minutes" at gas stations. It worked, but I know that it probably looked bad because we had conversations about it with people that asked.

    1. That's a great plan. I think our kids were the last ones in the world to get smart phones. They were so excited to get their first iPhones. We always had a small data limit so they couldn't be on them all the time.
      Susan Says

  11. Enjoy the edits and have a great holiday! Susan.

  12. A piece of chalk in the jewelry box. Really? I'll have to try that! I have white chalk that I bought for my nephews.

    Good for you on your edits!

  13. A piece of chalk in the jewelry box. Really? I'll have to try that! I have white chalk that I bought for my nephews.

    Good for you on your edits!

  14. Your daughter did a good job with the gifts. A borders bag :). I haven't seen one of those in a while.

    But I don't get while people care what other people are doing. If they're on their phones all the time, it's their business and you don't know that they don't have a good reason. It has no effect on anyone else, unless they're careless enough to run into someone.

  15. Go with those edits, Susan. Love your daughter's choice of gifts. So sweet. :-)

  16. That is a great little gift for your office.

  17. Woo-hoo, edit away! I hate the mindlessness cell phones create. Love the magnet. Also, a piece of chalk...wonder if that really works.

  18. I don't know how you do it all. Great post for a mish-mash, it makes me think of a leftover supper. Sometimes they are the best meals.

  19. It might sound shocking, but I don't have a phone. Well, I do, but the charger broke. I spend a lot of time online, so it's nice to have a break when I actually get outside! Good luck on the edits. So Oman still has Borders? That's cool.

  20. Best wishes with the edits. I'm doing the final line edits and still finding stuff I missed a dozen times before. Ah, the joys of editing.

  21. you sure have a full post for not having anything to write =)
    love your daughter's gift - i collect magnets, so i really like it! and the borders bag, wow. just the fact she went to oman, WOW!
    keep editing! good luck!

  22. In California we no longer have Borders. We don't have bookstores by that name either.

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